I witnessed the 1960's and America is not any better off today. Largely due to the fact that while Americans are screaming about their civil rights, they're standing on the necks of other Americans.
#civilrightsact1964 #equityforall #humanrights4all #transgenderrightsarehumanrights
#civilrightsact1964 #equityforall #humanrights4all #transgenderrightsarehumanrights #lgbtq2s #bipocrights
Inflation is sharks in a feeding frenzy. $B's/$M's have never not driven inflation.
Curious Doubter
Doubt Everything. Be your own Light!
#Progressive #Liberal #Democrat #Secular #Humanist #Skeptic #CriticalThinking #Humor #SexPositive #Science #Kindness #Masked #Snark #Sarcasm #resist #voteblue #womensRights #TransRights #Pets
#AbortionIsHealthcare #EqualityForAll #EquityForAll
#Medical #Science #Sociology #Psychology #Flowers #MentalHealth
#progressive #liberal #democrat #secular #humanist #skeptic #criticalthinking #Humor #sexpositive #Science #kindness #masked #snark #sarcasm #resist #VoteBlue #womensrights #transrights #pets #AbortionIsHealthcare #equalityforall #equityforall #medical #sociology #psychology #flowers #mentalhealth