Morris wearing 'croisillon' pack saddle, standing with his mother Rubí in the valley below Puig Campana mountain, which looks like a sleeping mastodon.
I am re-starting the #donkeyoftheday series after migrating to This will be a new opportunity to see the daily #equusasinus photos that I posted on my former mastodon instance.
#mastodonk is the hashtag for #donkeys on Mastodon. 😃
#donkeyoftheday #equusasinus #mastodonk #donkeys
I'm collecting all the photos on the #equusasinus blog page now. It will be updated as and when other people's photos of donkey bonnets appear on #Asstodon today.
#easterbonnets #equusasinus #asstodon
#donkeyoftheday 100:
To celebrate the hundredth DotD, here's a donk from a century ago, being chauffeured around London.
"Take me to Haymarket, my good man!"
#donkeyoftheday #monbray #equusasinus #asstodon
A good article which complements the references to similar #asscademic studies reported in posts here earlier this year and in 2022.
There is a grest deal of work being done, combining archaeology and advanced genetics, mapping the domestication of #equusasinus.
It is also good to see Andy Merrifield's excellent book getting some recognition, after all these years! ('The Wisdom of Donkeys' was reviewed in our #libraybooks series last year.)
#asscademic #equusasinus #libraybooks #asstodon
Prof. Hammond clearly says it is *not* an onager (as is argued elsewhere, including Kathryn Smithies book, where I picked up the idea and extended it) but a domestic #equusasinus.
However, Hammond is interested in hearing my case for Syrian desert ass symbolism. I now have to review my unpublished 2006 studies on Syrian eremitism in Umbria and make my case... Or make an ass of myself. 😉
#Sunbray afternoon.
My Morris fool. A great little donkey with a heart of gold.
He's having his afternoon sleep in the straw that he vigorously threw out of the manger during the morning. He'll probably stand up soon and wee in the straw, to make sure it is properly trashed and nobody else can eat it.
Male of the species, eh? Bless.
#sunbray #equusasinus #asstodon
#donkeyoftheday 64:
Here's another photo in our #workingdonkeys series.
Some breeds of #equusasinus - like this large long-haired Poitou - are well-suited to work as draught animals.
Further information about draught equines is available from the Fédération Européenne du Cheval de Trait pour la promotion de son Utilisation (FECTU) and there are specialist Poitou donkey websites too.
#donkeyoftheday #workingdonkeys #equusasinus #asstodon #anesdefrance
@adonkumentary @wishartfrankfield
Go for it Jess! Write the ultimate weepy donkey story!
We are all expecting great things from you on #Asstodon! And let's get these hashtags rolling! #Fribray #equusasinus
#asstodon #fribray #equusasinus
#donkeyoftheday 58:
On this cold morning, this is a handy little instrument for donkey-keepers: a combined thermometer/ ânemometer.
The thermometer obviously measures temperature (today 3.2 Celsius) and the ânemometer tells you how many of your donkeys are French (zero today which is a normal reading).
#Asstodon #Fribray #ÂnesDeFrance #BurritosDeEspaña #equusasinus
#donkeyoftheday #asstodon #fribray #anesdefrance #burritosdeespana #equusasinus
I created this sub-hashtag of #Asstodon today, having already included a number of working donkeys in my #donkeyoftheday series. Today this tag has been added retrospectively to them.
Donkeys are not just fun pets for us #equusasinus keepers who promote #Asstodon, but they also make important contributions to working life and rural economies primarily in developing countries.
Here is a magnificent historic ploughing team in county Sligo in Eire. Photo: the Irish Independent.
#equusasinus #workingdonkeys #donkeyoftheday #asstodon
Such lovely comments this last week about good #Asstodon content, so thank you all folks. For those of us contributing #donkey content and those of you browsing it, let's continue to enjoy these amazing animals #equusasinus and learn from them.
Left-to-right: Morris and mother Rubí, mother Matilde and daughter Aitana, gathered at the drinking fountain this afternoon and demanding carrots.
#asstodon #donkey #equusasinus #sunbray #burritosdeespana
The new Samsung emoji magnified. What a ridiculously long mane!
Have fun with your #donkey emojis!
➡️ (3/3)
#asstodon #donkey #equusasinus
We waited years for a #donkey emoji and here it is! 🫏
It is not yet in the selection available on but I presume it will be soon in 2023? In the meantime you can copy & paste the emoji 🫏
Thanks to @Linkshaender for the post today linking to 2022 approved emojis, which include the donkey!
Thread ⬇️ (1/3)
#donkey #asstodon #equusasinus
Great that my vet messaged me at this time on a Friday evening to ask me if everything is OK with Rubí donkey after her dental treatment at the beginning of the week. It is all OK and Cristina is a good vet.
Get a good vet and hang on to them!
#rubituesbray #fribray #asstodon #equusasinus
#Fribray announcement on
A new specialist *donkey ears* sub-hashtag for posts mentioning the linguistics of #equusasinus ear-semaphore:
Suggest a regular quiz: guess what the donkey ears are saying?
#fribray #asstodon #equusasinus #earyore
That's a super ear-semaphore follow up to your earlier list of donkey ears signals.
I think we need a new *donkey ears* hashtag for posts mentioning the linguistics of #equusasinus ear-semiology?
New hashtag: #earyore
Mules are definitely #Asstodon territory and we have already included #equusquagga which is - of course - the zebra! Our equine owner contributors include those who own both horses and donkeys but we try to keep more #equusasinus focused! The occasional mule would be very welcome. :-)
#asstodon #equusquagga #equusasinus
The week's #donkey manure ready for collection. Sixteen 42 litre buckets waiting at the Poo Gate.
Spanish Ministry of Agriculture requires declaration of the outgoing weekly quantity of poo (estiércol) on a registered control form detailing my farm registry number and those of all the receiving farms. (The estiércol here is collected by a registered organic orange orchard.)
#burrocracy gone mad!
Poo total for 2022 = 8,320 kg
#thursbray #donkey #burrocracy #asstodon #equusasinus #burrosdeespana #asstiercol
#donkeyoftheday 53:
In "Platero y Yo" - a gem of Spanish literature - Juan Ramón Jiménez narrates the spiritual relationship between man and burro: a literary thread with a long history in Spain.
Illustration by A.Úbeda of Platero braying in a mystical manner in response to the village church bell.
"...el rebuzno se le endulza, altivo, y, rastrero, se le diviniza..."
"...the bray is sweetened, haughty, and, creeping, it is deified..."
#donkeyoftheday #asstodon #libraybooks #equusasinus #burrosdeespana
It's time for #Asstodon to be inspired by the #Wedsneigh horses and get more midweek donk pics up, so what better than one of the Bardets de Poitou, a long-haired donkey breed in western central France.
Poitou owners spend a lot of time grooming them. Just imagine what work this one would need after a mud-rolling session! (No, best not even go there...)
#wednesbray #asstodon #wedsneigh #equusasinus #anesdefrance