Fixed some rust spots on Schwiemu's 13 year old Škoda. First time I found a use for the blue side of the eraser - it's pretty good at sanding a small spot on a car before applying rust converter and paint.
Probably had this thing since my school days, but back then I used the blue side once and found it makes a hole in the paper :think_bread:
Wir hatten gestern eine absolut gelungene Metalnacht auf‘m Dorf in der #HeadbangersBarn. Chris von #Eraser hat mit seiner Crew ein großartiges #Underground Event organisiert. Mit aufwändigen Hardtickets, Bierbänken unter Kirschbäumen, freundlichen Getränkepreisen und geilen Bands #TerminalCarnage, #Eraser, #Hiraes und #DeadendGrace in der genialen Metalscheune. Nette Leute, harte Musik, geil! #live
#live #deadendgrace #hiraes #terminalcarnage #underground #eraser #headbangersbarn
So I tried this out and it works... you can actually upload an #image *with #transparency* to #DallE and use that instead of its internal tools, which allowed me to use *much* finer #eraser tool in #gimp and upload the result as #PNG with transparency. So #experiment number 2:
Note that I forgot to #crop out the bottom, so it added in some #extra #detail. #AI
#image #transparency #dalle #eraser #gimp #png #experiment #crop #extra #detail #ai
I had an idea the other day to use #DallE to #digitally remove #watermarks from an #image.
I used the edit-existing-image interface to erase most of the watermarked portions of the image, then described the exact photo in the input, and applied the generation.
The first image is the original, the second the DALL-E #filled-in version.
The ability here is hampered quite a bit from the fact that the Dall-E #eraser tool has a fairly large minimum size. But it ain't *too* bad. #AI
#dalle #digitally #watermarks #image #filled #eraser #ai
Moin! 👋😃
Ich denke, damit habe ich nicht nur den "Tag des Radiergummis" abgedeckt. 😁
#sketch #cartoon #cartoonist #quicksketch #zeichnen #humor #vögel #birds #tauben #eraser #Radiergummi #meckertag #korrektur #bleistift #analogzeichnen #sandranabbefeld #nabbefeld
#nabbefeld #sandranabbefeld #analogzeichnen #bleistift #korrektur #meckertag #radiergummi #eraser #tauben #birds #vogel #humor #zeichnen #quicksketch #cartoonist #cartoon #sketch
Arnie punching an alligator will never not be awesome. My #Review of #Eraser. #cinemastodon #FilmReview #Cinema #Arnie #Action
#review #eraser #cinemastodon #filmreview #cinema #arnie #action
“It takes a lot of people and a lot of machines to make #erasers,” #MisterRogers summarizes at the end of this #eraser #factory tour #video. “And I think it’s fun to watch.”
“I think it’s fun to see how people make different things. There are so many helpful people in this world of ours. Every day, you’ll find somebody who’s helping with something.”
(Watch while you can. Mister Rogers videos are quick to disappear from YouTube.)
#erasers #misterrogers #eraser #factory #video
“In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.”
Francis Bacon
#lifedrawing session. 3, 5, 10 min poses.
#sculpting with #eraser #charcoaldrawing #figuredrawing #gesturedrawing #lifemodel #drawingfromlife #markmaking
#lifedrawing #sculpting #eraser #charcoaldrawing #figuredrawing #gesturedrawing #lifemodel #drawingfromlife #MarkMaking
Day 05: A song that needs to be played loud
lol what song doesn't??? I'll just go with a current one. One that I'm listening to a lot these days.
#LDC #LongDistanceCalling - 500 Years, from the amazing #Eraser album.
#eraser #longdistancecalling #ldc #30daysongchallenge
Letzte Musik '22, erste Musik '23:
Ich war bei meinen Eltern und es lief #ZDF, also eher 🤢
Letzte *freiwillige* Musik '22, und erste '23 war mein Album des Jahres, #Eraser von #ldc #LongdistanceCalling. ❤️
#longdistancecalling #ldc #eraser #zdf
lekker op pad met mn gum. #krabbeldujour #eraser #gum #potlood #analoog
#analoog #potlood #gum #eraser #krabbeldujour
lekker op pad met mn gum. #krabbeldujour #eraser #gum #potlood #analoog
#analoog #potlood #gum #eraser #krabbeldujour
Hab gerade mal meine Musiksammlung durchgeschaut und wenn im kommenden Monat nix Außergewöhnliches mehr kommt haben #LongDistanceCalling mit #Eraser das Jahr gewonnen.
Day five of the letter-a-day challenge -- it's a little more fun each day!
#calligraphy #Calligraletters #calligraweekly #MastaArt #copperplate #eraser
#calligraphy #calligraletters #calligraweekly #mastaart #copperplate #eraser
Where there is a pencil a eraser is close.
Detrás de un buen lápiz siempre hay un borrador.
#pencil #digitalart #art #illustration
#eraser #mastoart
#MastoArt #eraser #illustration #art #DigitalArt #pencil
Also der "Twitter Archive Eraser" hängt sich nach dem Laden des Archivs auf. Es wird alles angezeigt (die Tweets aus den 2 Jahren meines Zweitaccounts), aber dann kann man nichts mehr machen. Das UI reagiert überhaupt nicht.
Aber es gibt auch keine CPU Last.