Will someone please find a way of making #Horizon, #Copernicus and #Erasmus #sexy?
#Readmission to Horizon Europe and Copernicus is of far greater significance than an escaped prisoner.
#readmission #sexy #erasmus #copernicus #horizon
Congrats from a fellow #Dublin alumnus!
I was in #TrinityCollegeDublin 1999-2000, and actually lived closer to #UCD in #Trinity's former #studentAccommodation in #Blackrock - now turned into upper-end terraced houses with Tesla cars parked in front.
They actually tried to expel us right in the middle of academic year for this (so-called) "development" project. They hadn't considered that 1/3rd of #erasmus students hosted there were #law students and a few #journalism students. 😅
#dublin #trinitycollegedublin #trinity #studentaccommodation #blackrock #erasmus #law #journalism #ucd
University of #Tartu Department of #geography kicking of the new #academic year with lots of great news, new awesome colleagues and #phd students, #BSc and #MSc curricula, including our #Erasmus+ MSc in #geoinformation science and #earthobservation for environmental modelling and management and Geoinformatics for Urbanised Society- Head uut akadeemiline aastat 🎓🌍
#tartu #geography #academic #phd #bsc #msc #erasmus #geoinformation #earthobservation
Jahresbericht 2022/23 des Pädagogischen Austauschdienstes erschienen
Das Interesse der Schulen an internationalen Austauschprojekten ist nach dem Ende der Coronapandemie ungebrochen.
Das geht aus dem Jahresbericht 2022/23 des Pädagogischen Austauschdienstes (PAD) des Sekretariats der Kultusministerkonferenz hervor, der gestern veröffentlicht wurde.
#BildungsSpiegel #PAD #KMK #Erasmus #Austauschdienst #Schule #FediLZ
#BildungsSpiegel #pad #kmk #erasmus #austauschdienst #schule #FediLZ
3 Fragen an Geraldine Rauch! Wir haben im Kurzinterview mit der #Erasmus Alumna und Präsidentin der TU Berlin über ihre Erfahrungen im Ausland und an der TU Berlin gesprochen: ➡️ https://www.daadeuroletter.de/3-fragen-an-die-erasmus-alumna-geraldine-rauch/ #DAADEuroletter
Finally back in Vienna after another amazing #Interrail trip: #Berlin, #Hamburg, #Copenhagen, #Oslo, #Kalmar, #Karlskrona, #Gdansk and finally #Krakow. Night train to Berlin, night ferries to Oslo and Gdansk. Not enough time (we were taking our eldest to Norway for #Erasmus) but I still love #slowtravel on trains 🚂 #interrail2023
There is nothing better than listening to a #Discworld audio book and watching the landscape pass by the window 🥰
#discworld #interrail2023 #slowtravel #erasmus #krakow #gdansk #karlskrona #kalmar #oslo #copenhagen #hamburg #berlin #interrail
Erasmus+: 159 neue Projekte verstärken eine moderne Hochschulbildung weltweit
#erasmus #hochschulbildung #eu
#Brexit meant that students in Northern Ireland, part of the UK, lost access to the #Erasmus+ scheme that enabled them to get education and experience around the EU. So the government of #Ireland, an EU member, stepped in to fill the funding gap. Helping your neighbour is a win-win strategy.
Great news for students in #NorthernIreland universities. ROI government to fund continuing participation in #Erasmus for students at #QUB and #UU https://www.irishnews.com/news/northernirelandnews/2023/07/27/news/irish_government_allocates_1_7m_funding_to_support_northern_ireland_students_on_erasmus_scheme-3475268/
#northernireland #erasmus #QUB #UU
An der Universität Veliko Tărnovo im Herzen Bulgariens beginnt am kommenden Montag das "46. Internationale Sommerseminar für bulgarische Sprache und Kultur". Ich freue mich sehr, dass ich dank Erasmus+ dabei sein darf! 🤍💚❤️
#българия #erasmusplus #erasmus #Bulgarisch #bulgarien
🎉EUniWell - die European University for Well-Being – erhält weitere Mittel im Rahmen der europäischen Hochschulinitiative #erasmus +. Die Hochschulallianz wird sich damit weiter als 🇪🇺 Universität und als Stimme im Bereich des „Well-Being“ etablieren. ▶️https://uni.koeln/4MBSL
»Europäische Hochschulen«: Deutsche Hochschulen sind Spitze
Die EU-Kommission hat am 3.7. 2023 die Ergebnisse der aktuellen Auswahlrunde der »Europäischen Hochschulen« bekanntgegeben.
29 deutsche Hochschulen waren in den Hochschulallianzen mit ihrem Antrag erfolgreich. Zusammen mit den 22 seit dem letzten Jahr bereits geförderten Institutionen sind nun insgesamt 51 deutsche Hochschulen unter den ausgewählten.
#europaischehochschulen #erasmus #hochschulforderung
#Italia #UltimeNotizie #atenei #erasmus #Napoli Sei Atenei italiani selezionati per il nuovo bando Erasmus+. Napoli potrà ottenere fino a 14,4 Mln per 4 anni https://www.cronachedellacampania.it/2023/07/erasmus-atenei-italiani/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#italia #Ultimenotizie #atenei #erasmus #napoli
RT @GreensEFA
Studying abroad creates unforgettable experiences - but only if you(r parents) can afford it.
We want the #Erasmus programme to be equally accessible for all, regardless of personal economic background.
Join our call for #ErasmusEquality ✍️
On cherche notre prochain.e collègue : un poste de coordination de projet résolument tourné vers l’Europe, depuis la #Lozère #Florac :)
La fiche de poste et les infos pour candidater :
#enseignementagricole #institutagro #erasmus #europe #OffreEmploi
#offreemploi #europe #erasmus #institutagro #enseignementagricole #florac #lozere
#Erasmo, la Bibbia è refrattaria come la draconite
Quella dei proverbi è una categoria del discorso letterario più utilizzata come testimonianza antropologica che studiata come tipologia testuale, quale è stata classificata fin dalle Einfache Formen di André Jolles
The post #Erasmo, la Bibbia è refrattaria come la draconite first appeared on il manifesto.
#Erasmus, the Bible is as refractory as draconite
Proverbs is a category of literary discourse more used as anthropological evidence than studied as a textual typology, as it has been classified since André Jolles' Einfache Formen
The post #Erasmus, the Bible is as refractory as draconite first appeared on il manifesto.
21-5-2023 0:3 #il manifesto https://cms.ilmanifesto.it https://ilmanifesto.it/la-bibbia-e-refrattaria-come-la-draconite
#Erasmo, la Bibbia è refrattaria come la draconite
Quella dei proverbi è una categoria del discorso letterario più utilizzata come testimonianza antropologica che studiata come tipologia testuale, quale è stata classificata fin dalle Einfache Formen di André Jolles
The post #Erasmo, la Bibbia è refrattaria come la draconite first appeared on il manifesto.
#Erasmus, the Bible is as refractory as draconite
Proverbs is a category of literary discourse more used as anthropological evidence than studied as a textual typology, as it has been classified since André Jolles' Einfache Formen
The post #Erasmus, the Bible is as refractory as draconite first appeared on il manifesto.
20-5-2023 22:3 #il manifesto https://cms.ilmanifesto.it https://ilmanifesto.it/la-bibbia-e-refrattaria-come-la-draconite
@fkamiah17 I'm 71 and too many people my age embarrass me. I would have loved to study, or work, in Europe but, y'know, poverty, need a job... I voted for Common Market in the 70s for my children (then unborn) and always supported it. I hate Brexiteers and everything they have done. #Erasmus #brexit