Latest Lunar Lecture to feature letters between Erasmus Darwin and close friend
#Lichfield #Heritage #WhatsOn #ErasmusDarwin #ErasmusDarwinHouse #LunarLecture
#lichfield #heritage #whatson #erasmusdarwin #erasmusdarwinhouse #lunarlecture
Common descent is the scientific theory that all living organisms on Earth descend from a common ancestor. Although evolution had been suggested as far back as Ancient Greece, the first proponent of common descent appears to have been Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of Charles Darwin. Biologists have evidence that all life developed from a common ancestor that lived just under 4 billion years ago…
#evolution #RationalWiki #commondescent #erasmusdarwin #treeoflife
#evolution #rationalwiki #commondescent #erasmusdarwin #treeoflife
@winelove #Lichfield - another #cathedral city, but quite small. Birthplace of #SamuelJohnson, #DavidGarrick, #EliasAshmole and home to #ErasmusDarwin (grandfather of Charles). Also fictional birthplace of #Shardlake.
#lichfield #cathedral #SamuelJohnson #davidgarrick #eliasashmole #erasmusdarwin #shardlake