Latest Lunar Lecture to feature letters between Erasmus Darwin and close friend
#Lichfield #Heritage #WhatsOn #ErasmusDarwin #ErasmusDarwinHouse #LunarLecture
#lichfield #heritage #whatson #erasmusdarwin #erasmusdarwinhouse #lunarlecture
Storytellers to take audience in Lichfield on a journey to the golden age of sailing
#Lichfield #Heritage #News #WhatsOn #ErasmusDarwinHouse #LichfieldStorytellers
#lichfield #heritage #news #whatson #erasmusdarwinhouse #lichfieldstorytellers
Latest Lunar Lecture talk to take place in Lichfield
#Lichfield #Heritage #News #WhatsOn #ErasmusDarwinHouse #LunarLecture
#lichfield #heritage #news #whatson #erasmusdarwinhouse #lunarlecture
Lichfield museum keen to recruit more volunteers
#Lichfield #Communitygroups #Heritage #News #ErasmusDarwinHouse #volunteering
#lichfield #communitygroups #heritage #news #erasmusdarwinhouse #volunteering
Guided tour of Lichfield museum on offer
#lichfield #heritage #news #what #erasmusdarwinhouse
Inventor and chemist to be discussed in lecture at Lichfield museum
#Lichfield #Heritage #News #What'sOn #ErasmusDarwinHouse #LunarLectures
#lichfield #heritage #news #what #erasmusdarwinhouse #lunarlectures