How do patients contribute to change and to shifting mindsets? What information lies still undiscovered in the genes? A study of the recent history of medicine and a look to the future – new #ERCStG projects at #CharitéBerlin. @berlinnovation
#Medicine #ScienceMastodon #Research #ResearchFunding #StartingGrants #CharitéHistory
#Genomics #CharitéBiomedicine
#ercstg #chariteberlin #medicine #sciencemastodon #research #researchfunding #startinggrants #charitehistory #genomics #charitebiomedicine
Wie tragen Patient:innen zu Wandel und Umdenken bei? Und: Welche Informationen liegen noch unentdeckt in den Genen? Ein Blick in die jüngere #Medizingeschichte, ein Blick in die Zukunft der #Medizin: zwei neue #ERCStG an #CharitéBerlin & @berlinnovation. Gratulation den Grantees!! @ERC_Research @pietznerm
#Medicine #Research #ResearchFunding #StartingGrants #ScienceMastodon #Science #CharitéHistory #Genomics #CharitéBiomedicine
#medizingeschichte #medizin #ercstg #chariteberlin #medicine #research #researchfunding #startinggrants #sciencemastodon #science #charitehistory #genomics #charitebiomedicine
Seulement 2 #ERCStG en LS8 en France, celle d'Erika à Montpellier, et celle de @clairemerot à Rennes, deux super projets dont on attend avec impatience les nombreux résultats exitants qu'ils vont produire. Bravo 👏 👏 🍾
Je crois que c'est une des premières #ERCStG portée par l'@umontpellier décrochée en Sciences de la Vie section LS8 (Ecologie & Evolution). Toutes mes félicitations à Erika Burioli pour son projet HYPERCAN sur le cancer transmissible des moules 🥳 #TransCan #MolEvol #WomenInSTEM
#ercstg #TransCan #molevol #womenInSTEM
Die Semitistin und Arabistin Simona Olivieri @freieuniversitaet wird für ihr Forschungsprojekt zu arabischer Sprache mit einem ERC Starting Grant in Höhe von über 1,49 Millionen Euro gefördert. @ERC_Research #ERCStG⬇️
Foto: privat
Für sein Forschungsprojekt zur Entstehung von Steueroasen im Globalen Süden wird der
Politikwissenschaftler Lukas Hakelberg @freieuniversitaet mit einem ERC Starting Grant über 1,49 Millionen Euro gefördert. @ERC_Research #ERCStG ⬇️
Foto: privat
The European Research Council awards nine #StartingGrants and one Proof-of-Concept Grant to our scientists in the fields of #STEM, #globalhealth, #datascience and #additivemanufacturing. Congrats! 👏
#startinggrants #stem #globalhealth #datascience #additivemanufacturing #ercstg #ercgrants
🏆 European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant for TU Graz Researcher Sonja Wogrin: Innovative Data Aggregation for Decarbonised Power Systems
The aggregation of data for modelling highly complex power systems leads to inaccuracies. With her ERC project, Sonja Wogrin wants to change this and make the planning of future energy systems much more efficient.
(Picture by Lunghammer - TU Graz)
Watch out for the science coming from the @S_Grosswendt lab - super super 🔥! Interactions like these are why I ❤️ institute visits. Thank you for hosting me @BIMSB_MDC !
RT @S_Grosswendt
We have been awarded an #ERCStG! Many thanks to @ERC_Research, the panel & reviewers, and great colleagues for their valuable support @berlinnovation/@ChariteBerlin/@BIMSB_MDC/@MDC_Berlin
The grant will fund our single-cell research on cell intera…
RT @axellecalcus
Job alert! I'm hiring a PhD student to work on neurobiological markers of a possible second sensitive period for audition at adolescence. This is part of my @ERC_Research #ERCStG highly collaborative project to launch in beautiful Brussels
I am extremely grateful that my #ERC grant will be funded! Thanks to @ERC_Research I will be able to build a research team in Italy! 🥳🍾
Stay tuned for open positions for researchers (of all level) to join the team! #EUfunded #HorizonEurope #ERCStG
#ercstg #horizoneurope #EUfunded #erc
I am happy to share that my #ERCStG @BeyondSDGs proposal has been invited to prepare the grant agreement by European Research Council (ERC) from the reserve list. To know more about the project, consider reading my perspective article
Many thanks to all my mentors and collaborators. It would not have been possible without your guidance & support.
RT @AnnDuan2
Thanks to the @ERC_Research starting grant funding #ERCStG, we are hiring two postdoctoral fellows to work on the neural circuit mechanisms of flexible decision-making under risk and social influence. Please RT!
RT wk_kwong: I am recruiting a bioinformatician / computational postdoc for #ERCStG funded project on the bee microbiome. Come work with a dynamic, friendly team in sunny Lisbon! Ad here:
RT SaraKleindienst: I am delighted to announce the first two #ERCStG positions in my lab at \@Uni_Stuttgart.
We are looking for two highly motivated PhD students (3-4 years) in Environmental Microbiology.
See full ad here:
Please help and retweet! Deadline: 31st of Jan 2023.
Many researchers were selected for @ERC_Research grant from the reserve lists 2021 due to the UK & Switzerland cases & an additional budget of 120 M for #ERCStG 2021.
Congratulations to all winners!
Let's see what comes for the reserve list 2022.
RT @SaraKleindienst
I am delighted to announce the first two #ERCStG positions in my lab at @Uni_Stuttgart.
We are looking for two highly motivated PhD students (3-4 years) in Environmental Microbiology.
See full ad here:
Please help and retweet! Deadline: 31st of Jan 2023.
Hoe staan informatiesystemen voor rechtshandhaving en grens- en migratiecontroles in Europa in verbinding met elkaar? En hoe krijgen overheidsinstanties deze datasets? Dat onderzoekt Rocco Bellanova met zijn DATAUNION-project. #EUFunded #ERCStG
I am excited that my project MATRICARD was funded by @ERC_Research and looking forward to work with my group and new colleagues on this topic! Applications for PhD and Postdoc positions welcome! #ERCStG
RT @kkilteni_neuro
📣PhD call!
If you always wanted to understand the neuroscience of human gargalesis(tickle), join us at the collaborative, multi-disciplinary and supportive research environment of @DondersInst! Apply until 31/12: Please RT! #youhaveaparttoplay #ERCStG