RT @AlbertPol10@twitter.com
We are hiring! Postdoc positions available to join our lab in Barcelona @idibaps@twitter.com, study the role of #lipid droplets in immunity, and collaborate with the #ERCsyg funded consortium @Demangel_lab@twitter.com and @LabParton@twitter.com. PleaseRT. Apply and read more in 👇🏼
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlbertPol10/status/1606536029976109056
RT @AlbertPol10@twitter.com
We are hiring! Postdoc positions available to join our lab in Barcelona @idibaps@twitter.com, study the role of #lipid droplets in immunity, and collaborate with the #ERCsyg funded consortium @Demangel_lab@twitter.com and @LabParton@twitter.com. PleaseRT. Apply and read more in 👇🏼
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlbertPol10/status/1606536029976109056
How does our brain integrate coding of space with social codes to perceive a territory? The Omer lab (http://omerlab.org) is hiring excellent postdocs & graduate students to join an #ERCSyG research. Send your CV to david.omer@mail.huji.ac.il. Please share. #postdocs