Here's a philosoph'ey video on #ErgoProxy.
The maker had me when he listed #PlanescapeTorment as one of the most profound games ever.
Gerade ein kurzes Video geschaut, das versucht, #ErgoProxy zu erklären. Wenn das nicht gerade völliger Bullshit war, dann bin ich schlicht zu dumm um Ergo Proxy zu verstehen. Da braucht man bisschen Hintergrund in Philosophie, gespickt mit griechischer Mythologie und Christentum...
Spiele mit dem Gedanken nochmal #ErgoProxy zu gucken.
Deshalb ripp' ich jetzt die DVDs.
6 Stück, jede mit im Wesentlichen einem 1:43:00 langen Track. 🤦♂️
Ist bestimmt extra so geauthored um's Rippen umständlich zu machen.
starting out #ergoproxy, i did not expect to have such an emotional reaction to raul dying... fuck the producers for that scene crawling towards his daughter.
#LycorisRecoil was cute. Sort of an interesting take on Nolan's Batman in a lot of ways.
Next up is either #ChainsawMan or #ErgoProxy.
#lycorisrecoil #chainsawman #ergoproxy
I never did a introduction... Sorry :bec_grin:
Hi I'm Toady (19, He/Him, cis) an I'm from #Germany.
I'm an IT nerd in almost all topics ig (#coding, #server, #cybersecurity , etc...).
I've got my own Server where I host stuff like #Nextcloud, #Vaultwarden, etc. and some websites.
I just want a better internet and don't want support #bigcorp anymore (as far as I have a alternative for a product or I just don't need it)
That's why I use #Linux (#Arch btw), #Nextcloud, #Mastodon, #Pixelfed, #Odysee, etc.
I fcking love #cyberpunk themed animes like #ErgoProxy, #PsychoPass, etc. So recommend me some plsss :bec_smile:
I've a #VR but moved recently, so no base stations.
Btw why are so many corrupt and stupid people still in politics, wtf :bec_angry:
#introduction #germany #coding #server #cybersecurity #nextcloud #vaultwarden #bigcorp #linux #arch #mastodon #pixelfed #Odysee #cyberpunk #ergoproxy #psychopass #vr
Ergo Proxy エルゴプラクシー 省察一| バンダイチャンネル
#Anime #ErgoProxy
Condivido, seppur non recentissima, una breve ma interessante riflessione sulla rappresentazione della 'Repubblica dei filosofi' teorizzata da Platone nell'anime "Ergo Proxy" (2006, Manglobe, JP).
Un'opera interessante, di cui ho amato le atmosfere e la colonna sonora, enigmatica a tratti, si lascia apprezzare anche ad una seconda - o terza - visione, che permettono di apprezzarne la profondità concettuale.
#ergoproxy #anime #cyberpunk #plato #philosophy
Mild fever kind of couple of days so spending time in bed half asleep. When I’ve had some energy, I’ve been catching up on an anime I watched long ago called #ErgoProxy. If you liked #PsychoPass and/or you also like stories that do exposition in a mystery oriented way, this #Anime is such a worthwhile watch.
My first 3 anime was Death Note, Ergo Proxy and Mirai Nikki 😁 I still remember.
#DeathNote #ergoproxy #mirainikki #futurediary #anime
Ergo Proxy is a more unde-rated sc-fi classic from back in the day more anime fans need to watch.
Don't Mess With Re-l In This ‘Ergo Proxy’ #Anime Clip - #Anime2006 #Crunchyroll #ErgoProxy #news
#anime #anime2006 #crunchyroll #ergoproxy #news
#Texhnolyze #ErgoProxy #Hellsing #XxxHolic #FullMetalAlchemist #Beastars #HPLovecraft #Portal #MyLittlePony #TerryPratchett #TheDiscworld #Netflix #Disenchantment #FinalSpace #DisneyPlus #Bluey #TurningRed #Encanto #Coco #Ferdinand #Luca #Moana #Zootopia #InsideOut #Brave #WallE #BigHero6 #Onward #CloudBabies #Music #Moby #LostFrequencies #AlleFarben #DaftPunk #EmpireOfTheSun #AltJ #Royksopp #StudioKillers #GeorgeEzra #RobinSchulz #21Pilots #Avicii #MilkyChance #Coldplay #WhoMadeWho #HarryStyles
#texhnolyze #ergoproxy #hellsing #xxxholic #fullmetalalchemist #beastars #hplovecraft #portal #mylittlepony #terrypratchett #thediscworld #netflix #disenchantment #finalspace #disneyplus #bluey #TurningRed #Encanto #coco #ferdinand #luca #moana #zootopia #InsideOut #brave #WallE #bighero6 #onward #cloudbabies #music #moby #LostFrequencies #allefarben #daftpunk #empireofthesun #altJ #royksopp #studiokillers #GeorgeEzra #robinschulz #21pilots #avicii #milkychance #coldplay #whomadewho #harrystyles
@Splinters I assume if you are into anime you already know these: 😄 #OnePunchMan #Erased (gut-wrenching) #SilverSpoon (cosy af) #KillLaKill #Parasyte #ErgoProxy #WelcomeToTheNHK (one of my all time favourites) #YourLieInApril (sad af) and of course #FullmetalAkchemist (duh!😂)
#fullmetalakchemist #yourlieinapril #welcometothenhk #ergoproxy #parasyte #killlakill #silverspoon #erased #onepunchman
A more complete list of anime I've watched and liked are
#to aru majutsu no index
#digimon #jjba #hellsing #slayers #to #yugioh #cfvanguard #ergoproxy #ttgl #trigun #cowboybebop #aceattorney #evangelion
#Introduction part 2
I watch a lot of #anime. I tend to favor #Comedy #SliceOfLife #Introspective shows but I branch into other genres (not a fan of shonen/seinen or mahou shoujo though). Some faves are #Steins;Gate #ErgoProxy #Monogatari series #In/Spectre #Baccano #Konosuba #NonNonBiyori #Spice&Wolf #MyTeenRomanticComedySNAFU #SpyXFamily
Also like video games, mostly #RPGs: Final Fantasy, Persona, Valkyrie Profile, Xenogears. Also Resident Evil, Prince of Persia, Ghost of Tsushima.
#introduction #anime #comedy #sliceoflife #introspective #steins #ergoproxy #monogatari #in #baccano #konosuba #nonnonbiyori #spice #myteenromanticcomedysnafu #spyxfamily #rpgs