In "Painful Pandemonium" resigned NYPD officer Katniss Driver (#ChloeGraceMoretz) delivers vengeance after her childhood friend (#EricBana) is kidnapped by the ominous investor Stella Custer (#NataliaAvelon) and the vicious industrialist Colt Shultz (#MichaelFassbender) while on vacation in Phoenix. - #CineMastodon #Movies
#chloegracemoretz #ericbana #nataliaavelon #michaelfassbender #cinemastodon #movies
#Hannah, the 2011 movie starring #SaoirseRonan, #CateBlanchett, and #EricBana, is over the top but I love the way music and action are linked in a way similar to #LolaRennt (#RunLolaRun); even the running and electronic music (by #TheChemicalBrothers).
The first season of the #tv version on #Prime is really good, and the last episode of that season ends perfectly. The series should have ended there because it quickly slides into ridiculousness after.
#prime #TV #thechemicalbrothers #RunLolaRun #lolarennt #ericbana #cateblanchett #saoirseronan #hannah
In "Supreme Silence" former hacker Lars Kurt (#MelGibson) provides punishment after being set-up and betrayed by a group of lethal trolls who hired him to assassinate a charming production designer (#EricBana) in a small town in rural Tennessee. - #CineMastodon #Revenge #Movies
#melgibson #ericbana #cinemastodon #revenge #movies