Classic Movies Today · @classicmovies
140 followers · 698 posts · Server

39 years ago:
They're Playing with Fire (US)
A married college professor decides to seduce her student, whom she hired as a handyman for her yacht. The hesitant student succumbs to his buxom professor, but their romance is interrupted by her corrupt husband and a masked murderer.

#theyreplayingwithfire #sybildanning #ericbrown #andrewprine #horror #classicmovies

Last updated 2 years ago

Kenny Kravitz · @kennykravitz
136 followers · 806 posts · Server

Really sad to hear that Eric Brown has passed away, and far too young. Not only did he write some wonderful short stories, but I found so much wonderful via his monthly roundups in the Guardian.

Tonight I'll be reading The Time Lapsed Man in his honour, and if you've never read it you won't regret seeking it out.

Eric Brown, science fiction author and Guardian critic, dies aged 62 | Books | The Guardian

#sciencefiction #ericbrown

Last updated 2 years ago

Flippin' 'eck, Tucker! · @losttourist
711 followers · 2214 posts · Server

The author Eric Brown died earlier today. If you've read any collections of 20th Century Scifi or Fantasy then chances are you've read one or more of his short stories.

The Guardian has a good obituary and this sentence from one of his friends really caught my eye. Who wouldn't want this said about them?

“I knew him as a kind, self-effacing and generous soul who wasn’t above a curmudgeonly grumble now and then or the occasional rant at the inanities of the world but remained nonetheless sanguine and positive"


Last updated 2 years ago