Car crashes into Key Biscayne condo causing brief evacuation :
Rene Velazco, the island’s chief building official, said after photos and a review by a structural engineer, the structure was deemed safe for everyone to return
#240Crandon #collision #Condominium #crash #EricLang #KeyBiscayneFireRescue #ReneVelazco
#Miami #news
#240crandon #collision #condominium #crash #ericlang #keybiscaynefirerescue #renevelazco #miami #News
Key Biscayne offers unions 5.5% pay raise. Police say yes; Fire says no. :
“Our guys can’t afford Miami. We have guys still living with their parents,” said union president Eddie Blanco
#BenjaminNussbaum #Cola #contract #EricLang #inflation #labor #SteveWilliamson #union #VillageCouncil
#Miami #news
#benjaminnussbaum #cola #contract #ericlang #inflation #labor #stevewilliamson #union #villagecouncil #miami #News
Hurricane season in Key Biscayne: “We can’t wait for the county” :
Williamson said he will move officials and emergency personnel off the island with a strong hurricane approaching – meaning those residents who stay will be on their own. “If you are still alive afterwards, we will come back for you,” he said.
#DaniellaLevineCava #ElNiño #EricLang #Evacuation #Hurricane #HurricaneIan #HurricaneSeason #JoeLopez #NationalHurricaneCenter #SteveWillia
#daniellalevinecava #elnino #ericlang #evacuation #hurricane #hurricaneian #hurricaneseason #joelopez #nationalhurricanecenter #stevewillia
@taelmoor #CthulhuDeathMayDie is great. #EricLang and #RobDaviau take #Zombicide and #ArkhamHorror, refine mechanics, make it a 90-120 minute game, and create narrative based on a combined deck of scenario cards and Ancient One cards.
Character sanity replaces the kill track of Zombicide. They become less stable but more powerful. When you hit thresholds you must reckon with your insanity card effect.
It has the narrative feel of Daviau with Eric Lang’s innovative mechanics.
#cthulhudeathmaydie #ericlang #robdaviau #zombicide #arkhamhorror #boardgames