5 out of 5 stars to The Trees Grew Because I Bled There: Collected Stories by Eric LaRocca My thanks to #TitanBooks #bookreview #EricLaRocca #TheTreesGrewBecauseIBledThere #horrorfamily #horrorreaders #horrorcommunity https://wellwortharead.blogspot.com/2023/03/the-trees-grew-because-i-bled-there.html
#titanbooks #bookreview #ericlarocca #thetreesgrewbecauseibledthere #horrorfamily #horrorreaders #horrorcommunity
Tonight's new book: Things Have Gotten Worse Since Last We Spoke by Eric LaRocca. Hoping for a fright.
#shortstories #bookstodon #books #ericlarocca
Today one of my favorite horror authors 🖤 joined the Fediverse:
Welcome #EricLarocca:
If you're interested in explicit, extreme but classy and devastating poetic queer horror, don't miss #EricLarocca!
#ericlarocca #queer #queerhorror #horror
Got my hands on the new #EricLaRocca book that dropped this month. Gonna absolutely read it tomorrow :catjam: I've adored all his other novellas and cannot wait to sink my teeth into it
#ericlarocca #bookstodon #newbook #toread