So Sweet...So Perverse (1969), an Umberto Lenzi giallo starring Carroll Baker. With delightfully twisted nasty plot twists coming thick and fast. You can't take anybody in this movie at face value. Decadence, betrayal and murder. Great stuff.
My review:
#cultmovies #cultmovie #60smovie #60smovies #1960smovie #1960smovies #crimemovie #crimemovies #eurocult #eurocultmovie #eurocultmovies #giallo #Giallos #UmbertoLenzi #CarrollBaker #JeanLouisTrintignant #ErikaBlanc
#cultmovies #cultmovie #60smovie #60smovies #1960smovie #1960smovies #crimemovie #crimemovies #eurocult #eurocultmovie #eurocultmovies #giallo #giallos #umbertolenzi #carrollbaker #jeanlouistrintignant #erikablanc
#OnThisDate, May 19, L'uomo più velenoso del cobra [The Man More Venomous Than the Cobra / Human Cobras] (Bitto Albertini, 1971) is the #FilmDuJour. #Italy #Spain #Sweden #BittoAlbertini #GeorgeArdisson #ErikaBlanc #giallo #1970s ★★★½
#onthisdate #filmdujour #italy #Spain #sweden #bittoalbertini #georgeardisson #erikablanc #giallo #1970s #film #cinema #filmastodon #cinemastodon
57 years ago:
Spies Kill Silently (IT,ES)
Original title: Le spie uccidono in silenzio
Professor Freeman is an important English scientist that is investigating a method to treat cancer. His daugther is killed in the swiming pool of a hotel in Beirut. The case is confidential so that the mission is entrusted to the Special Agent Mikel Brown.
#SpiesKillSilently #LangJeffries #EmmaDanieli #ErikaBlanc #Film
#spieskillsilently #langjeffries #emmadanieli #erikablanc #film
50 years ago:
Mark of the Devil Part II (DE,GB)
Original title: Hexen geschändet und zu Tode gequält
A tribunal interrogates, tortures and murders "witches" and "heretics" during the Inquisition.
#MarkoftheDevilPartII #ErikaBlanc #AntonDiffring #Horror #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#markofthedevilpartii #erikablanc #antondiffring #horror #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Body Puzzle (1992)
Body Puzzle rarely entertains and even has trouble maintaining interest along the way despite some fine performances and some brief moments of violence.
#MovieStuffs #Reviews #BodyPuzzle #ErikaBlanc #FrançoisMontagut #GianniGarko #JoannaPacula #LambertoBava #SusannaJavicoli #TomasArana
#tomasarana #susannajavicoli #lambertobava #joannapacula #giannigarko #francoismontagut #erikablanc #bodypuzzle #reviews #moviestuffs
Body Puzzle (1992)
Body Puzzle rarely entertains and even has trouble maintaining interest along the way despite some fine performances and some brief moments of violence.
#MovieStuffs #Reviews #BodyPuzzle #ErikaBlanc #FrançoisMontagut #GianniGarko #JoannaPacula #LambertoBava #SusannaJavicoli #TomasArana
#tomasarana #susannajavicoli #lambertobava #joannapacula #giannigarko #francoismontagut #erikablanc #bodypuzzle #reviews #moviestuffs