SIMON SORT OF SAYS will be out in one week. EEEEKKKK! I love this blurb from Kyle Lukoff, partly because he actually sent me a much less printable sweary one in a note ... something about it being so f'ing good ....?
#simonsortofsays #erinbow #kylelu…
#simonsortofsays #erinbow #kylelu
SIMON SORT OF SAYS will be out in just ten days! It's rocking a couple of blurbs, including this one from Jack Gantos, who knows from funny books.
#simonsortofsays #erinbow #jackgantos. #middlegradenovel #middlegradeficiton #mgreads #mgfiction
#simonsortofsays #erinbow #jackgantos #middlegradenovel #middlegradeficiton #mgreads #mgfiction