We end this evening with a little #SpringCleaning by #ErinJamieson (Page 66) #mockingowlroost #poetryissue2023 #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
(Pictured is a blue dustpan, and a hand brush on a white background. The title and byline are in black print.)
#springcleaning #erinjamieson #mockingowlroost #poetryissue2023 #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: Erin Jamieson holds an #MFA in #creativewriting from Miami University of Ohio. Her #writing has been published in over 80 literary magazines, and her fiction has been nominated for a #PushcartPrize. She teaches at Ohio State University.
Her #poem “Forecast on a January Evening” is published in Capsule Stories Winter 2022 Edition: Hibernation, now available in paperback and ebook. Buy your copy here: http://capsulestories.com/winter-2022-edition #CapsuleStories #ErinJamieson
#capsulecollective #mfa #creativewriting #writing #PushcartPrize #poem #capsulestories #erinjamieson