Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Happy Pride Month, Pat Robertson Is Dead #Jezebel #conservatismintheunitedstates #patrobertsoncontroversies #christianfundamentalists #entertainment2cculture #patrobertson #jerryfalwell #napoleoniii #antimasonry #witchcraft #the700club #robertson #articles #erinryan #religion #dorothy #humans
#jezebel #conservatismintheunitedstates #patrobertsoncontroversies #christianfundamentalists #entertainment2cculture #patrobertson #jerryfalwell #napoleoniii #antimasonry #witchcraft #the700club #robertson #articles #erinryan #religion #Dorothy #Humans
A recommendation for the podcast #Hysteria by #CrookedMedia. Very smart women discuss women stuff and politics from a woman’s viewpoint. As a dude I have learned many stuff about women and how they think. (Terrifying.) It’s also quite funny. Hosts #ErinRyan and #AlyssaMastromonaco.
#hysteria #crookedmedia #erinryan #alyssamastromonaco
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: No One Tells You the Full Truth About Pregnancy and Childbirth #Jezebel #health2cmedical2cpharma #antenataldepression #humanreproduction #women27shealth #breastfeeding #humaninterest #childbirth #motherhood #obstetrics #pregnancy #midwifery #erinryan #health #women #rtt
#jezebel #health2cmedical2cpharma #antenataldepression #humanreproduction #women27shealth #breastfeeding #humaninterest #childbirth #motherhood #obstetrics #pregnancy #midwifery #erinryan #health #women #rtt