#IDMastodon Analysis of the association between the new #SARSCoV2 variant EG.5 /‘#Eris’ & XBB #breakthroughinfection .BTI of XBB subvariants cannot efficiently induce antiviral #humoralimmunity against the infecting variants vs the BTI of previous #omicronvariants. clarification the characteristics of EG.5 (Eris) which is becoming increasingly prevalent around 🌎
#IDMastodon #SarsCoV2 #eris #breakthroughinfection #humoralimmunity #OmicronVariants
#IDmastodon @northwesternu
That’s great in the Marching of #Eris & #pirola ‘#MaskUp & ’Mind that #viralload #COVID patients exhale up to 1,000 copies of 🦠 per minute during first 8 days of symptoms .First direct measure of #SARSCoV2 viral copies exhaled over the course of infection
#IDMastodon #eris #pirola #MaskUp #viralload #COVID #SarsCoV2
"Gute Neuigkeiten zur BA.2.86 #Pirola Variante, über die derzeit viel berichtet wird, und zum angepassten XBB.1.5.-Impfstoff.
Sehr robuste Kreuzneutralisation nach Booster mit dem neuen #Impfstoff, gleiches gilt für die EG.5.1 #Eris Variante."
berichtet Leif Eric Sander von der Charite in Berlin mit Bezug zum angehängten Dokument🎉
New strain of Covid 2023 symptoms: What are the Eris Covid symptoms | The Independent
(31st August 2023)
irritates our adrenal glands, can yield...
🤔 ... results.
Eventually, I guess.
(This is the part where I irritate you the reader and break off my thread without a satisfying conclusion.)
Sorry, not sorry. Hail #Eris!
"Not good reading about Ba 2.86 (pirola) and also EG 5.1 ( Eris)
All vaccine Sera tested showed NO neutralising activity.
Monoclonal antibodies didn’t work at all.
Literally the tools we have been told to rely on for living with Covid, in the lab, do not appear to work." https://twitter.com/drclairetaylor/status/1699741612853665945?t=WWusk1O50IWjyF2xba89vw&s=09 #covid #eris #pirola
@virusesmdpi #IDMastodon In the aggressive marching of #Eris .There is two important investments to safe your life are #MaskUp😷 & #COVID19Vaccination .#CovidIsNotOver . #SARSCoV2 reservoir may drive inflammatory, coagulation, microbiome, neuroimmune and other abnormalities in #neurocovid / #LongCovid .
#IDMastodon #eris #MaskUp #covid19vaccination #CovidIsNotOver #SarsCoV2 #neurocovid #LongCovid
Ich hab meine HÄ nach der #Impfung mit dem angepassten #Eris #Corona - Impfstoff gefragt.
Sie bekommen ihn Ende September und verimpfen ihn dann zusammen mit der Grippeimpfung.
Das Serum kommt in Einzeldosen, das macht die Lagerung wesentlich einfacher
#Impfung #eris #corona #InfoTroet
#IDMastodon Just a little reminders #CovidIsNotOver ,Please #MaskUp😷 , #MaskingMonday ,keep ahead of the Crownd .In the wakes of the rise of #Eris & #Pirola ,you don’t want to get reinfected or landing in #ICU before the new #covid19vaccine rolled out. After the acute phase of #SarsCoV2 infection, the onset of glycemic impairment & #diabetes have been reported.
#IDMastodon #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #maskingmonday #eris #pirola #ICU #covid19vaccine #SarsCoV2 #diabetes
Varianten, Verbreitung, Impfung: Wie sieht die aktuelle #Corona-Lage aus? | MIT Technology Review https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/Varianten-Verbreitung-Impfung-Wie-sieht-die-aktuelle-Corona-Lage-aus-9290504.html #Eris
#IDMastodon #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp😷 Get #COVID19Vaccination in the wakes of #Eris & #Pirola As if we have never observed this in …
#LongCovid patients often have a short recovery period after acute infection, then months later get symptoms. This pattern is reflected by:
1) spike protein causes molecular mimicry/still in my blood at 13 mnths;
2) new AD blood tests +. (Blue bars below show days to onset)
#IDMastodon #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #covid19vaccination #eris #pirola #LongCovid
wie berichtet, stand das dörfliche Seniorheim unter Quarantäne, weil Großteil der Bewohner und Pflegekräfte Corona hatten.
Die Quarantäne ist nun rum. Rein nur noch mit Maske.
Generell ist mein Dorf wohl so angeschlagen gerade, dass die beiden Apos wieder draußen warten und Maskenregel haben. Selbst wird auch getragen.
Alle 5 Supermärkte haben wieder Desinfektionsmittel aufgestellt und bitten um Abstand halten.
Und bei Netto trägt die Belegschaft zusätzlich Maske.
#Covid19: avec l'arrivée du variant #Eris, le retour d'un protocole sanitaire?
PAR #AntoineFLAHAULT & @LaureDasinieres.
Tant il est erroné d'affirmer que "le virus ne représente plus un risque pour nos sociétés" [dixit #RadioTeleSuisse #19h30/31.8.23].
#COVID19 #eris #antoineflahault #RadioTeleSuisse #19h30
#Covid19: avec l'arrivée du variant #Eris, le retour d'un protocole sanitaire?
PAR #AntoineFLAHAULT & @LaureDasinieres.
Tant il est erroné d'affirmer que "le virus ne représente plus un risque pour nos sociétés" [dixit @RadioTeleSuisse #19h30/31.8.23].
#COVID19 #eris #antoineflahault #19h30
#Covid19: avec l'arrivée du variant #Eris, le retour d'un protocole sanitaire?
PAR #AntoineFLAHAULT & @LaureDasinieres.
Tant il est erroné d'affirmer que "le virus ne représente plus un risque pour nos sociétés" [dixit @RadioTeleSuisse
#COVID19 #eris #antoineflahault #19h30
#Covid19: avec l'arrivée du variant #Eris, le retour d'un protocole sanitaire?
& Laure Dasinieres
Tant il est erroné d'affirmer que "le virus ne représente plus un risque pour nos sociétés" [dixit @RadioTeleSuisse
① #COVID in 2023: What To Know🔴https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/08/what-to-know-about-the-new-covid-mini-wave.html
② Top #USA COVID19 Hot Spots🔴https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/these-are-the-top-covid-hot-spots-in-the-u-s
③ States Where #COVID19 Surge Is the Worst Right Now🔴https://247wallst.com/special-report/2023/08/30/states-where-the-covid-19-surge-is-the-worst-right-now/
④ Boosters ALERT🔴https://www.sfchronicle.com/health/article/covid-california-booster-timing-wave-variant-18336335.php
⑤ Heed #Trump's “Will Not Comply” Rot At Your Own Peril⭕https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfuULXiJY4k
⑥ Love Life? #WearAmask🟢https://mindly.social/@B2/110936771604506502
#EG5 #Texas #Health #Florida #Eris #Louisiana #News #Mississippi #MAGA #Alabama #Security #California #GOP #Science #Fediverse #Education▼
#covid #usa #covid19 #trump #wearamask #eg5 #texas #health #florida #eris #louisiana #news #mississippi #maga #alabama #security #california #gop #science #fediverse #education
@dadbod @nirak @BlackAzizAnansi
No, it isn't that the mask isn't functioning! It's that even if it's working as designed, it's only guaranteed to protect you from an unmasked infected person for a short period of time: less than an hour at this point, probably.
#Delta was 2.4x more transmissible than wild #COVID, #Omicron even more. Now we have #Eris & #Pirola, which may be even more so. The old charts are misleading, even this chart is outdated because it's Delta:
#delta #covid #omicron #eris #pirola