Elixir was built on Erlang. Erlang was built to provide “consistently low latency” and a few other audacious goals.
This is the third part of my effort to unpack Elixir and we cover real-time and latency.
As I learn more about #Erlang more I appreciate it and more I also appreciate #Elixir.
People say Elixir “is just a beautiful Erlang wrapper” but, though technically it might be the case, in practice it is definitely not!
#erlang #elixir #myelixirstatus #myerlangstatus #mybeamstatus #myotpstatus
I read about the fact that the order of 'small' maps changed in #erlang OTP26, but I didn't think it would come to eat my face.
Opinião não-popular mais popular de todas: #Erlang é massa! Mas a sintaxe da linguagem, MEUA-migo... dói nos olhos! 🥲
#qiita #ShellScript #Erlang #関数型言語 #Elixir #Docker
#qiita #shellscript #erlang #関数型言語 #elixir #docker
Another part of my fledgling series Unpacking Elixir. This time I try to unpack, discuss and exemplify the syntax of the language. Hope you enjoy :)
@orsinium Thanks for the suggestion!
I'm definitely interested in #ElixirLang. My only real hesitation there is that it sits on top of an #Erlang runtime. Granted that BEAM is battle-tested, it creates an additional layer just like running Ruby on top of GraalVM or Java.
I don't know that there's a lot of work out there for Elixir either, but it's got a terrific concurrency model and pattern matching features. Those are things that Ruby is still playing catch-up with.
Elixir Oasis is a new addition to the existing list of Elixir community resources. It’s a space that actively welcomes women, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, Elixirists of all racial and ethnic backgrounds, anyone new to Elixir, and more.
#elixir #myelixirstatus #erlang
Elixir libcluster ゴシッププロトコルで複数の分散ノードを自動接続
#qiita #Erlang #Elixir #分散システム #libcluster
#qiita #erlang #elixir #分散システム #libcluster
I had fun revisiting the basics with this #erlang implementation of totally ordered multicast based on logical clocks.
#erlang #distributedsystems #algorithms
Found a nice talk on concurrency. It has a very brief comparison of different concurrency models, like Erlang's Actors, Hoare's CSP, Go's goroutines, Clojure's core.async, Concurrent ML (aka Fibers in Guile).
Primary focus on Concurrent ML (but examples are in Scheme with type annotations ><).
#go #golang #clojure #lisp #guile #scheme #ocaml #concurrency #erlang
#go #golang #clojure #lisp #guile #scheme #ocaml #concurrency #erlang
#Erlang code to share a list between N people: https://gist.github.com/rlipscombe/4a1004057b16d5c596fe9f48381a12d6
Did I get the length calculation at the top right, I wonder?
New blog post! This one is about using the magic of Zig's comptime to reduce mechanical noise in the implementation of Elixir/Erlang NIFs
There are two kinds of OOP:
1. As invisioned by Alan Kay.
2. As implemented by Java.
For example, #Erlang, inspired by #Smalltalk, is nothing like Java OOP but it's true to Alan Kay's ideas.
@rapscallionreaves Any distributed long-running systems. #Erlang has its roots in telecom where there are lots of independent phone connections that must be independent and not fail when one fails or a new release is deployed. And so happened that web also fits that description, so #Elixir and Phoenix were born. But that's not the only domains where it might matter.
A few other unrelated domains where #Elixir shines:
* IoT with Nerves project
* ML with Axon
* DS with LiveBook and Explore
This blog post points out that automatically restarting processes can hide problems, which is certainly true. Doesn’t have to be systemd. Something like supervisor trees in #Erlang/#OTP might do the same.
If you’re restarting something, measure restarts and plot them on a graph. If it’s happening, understand why it’s happening. If it’s designed to fail, fail it on purpose at a regular cadence to make sure that failure is being compensated for correctly.
#CodeBEAM #Europe with #earlyBird tickets: https://codebeameurope.com
#codebeam #Europe #earlybird #myelixirstatus #erlang #elixir #beam