Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-12 13:00 CEST
30.7°C, 44% humidity
wind 0.6 m/s (1 Bft) from SW
wind gusts 1.4 m/s (1 Bft) from W
barometer: 1012.4 mbar, ∆ -1.4 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 13.7°C .. 31.1°C
- humidity: 43% .. 99%
- barometer: 1012.4 mbar .. 1015.2 mbar
sunrise: 06:46:52
sunset: 19:36:39
moon is at 6% — waning crescent
moonrise: 03:29:40
moonset: 19:09:49
(indoors: 26.8°C, 46% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-12 12:00 CEST
29.4°C, 48% humidity
wind 0.6 m/s (1 Bft) from SE
wind gusts 1.7 m/s (1 Bft) from SE
barometer: 1013.0 mbar, ∆ -1.4 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 13.7°C .. 29.6°C
- humidity: 47% .. 99%
- barometer: 1012.9 mbar .. 1015.2 mbar
sunrise: 06:46:51
sunset: 19:36:40
moon is at 6% — waning crescent
moonrise: 03:29:38
moonset: 19:09:50
(indoors: 26.6°C, 47% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-12 11:00 CEST
29.1°C, 53% humidity
wind 0.3 m/s (0 Bft) from WSW
wind gusts 1.0 m/s (1 Bft) from S
barometer: 1013.3 mbar, ∆ -1.3 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 13.7°C .. 29.2°C
- humidity: 52% .. 99%
- barometer: 1013.3 mbar .. 1015.2 mbar
sunrise: 06:46:50
sunset: 19:36:41
moon is at 7% — waning crescent
moonrise: 03:29:38
moonset: 19:09:50
(indoors: 26.4°C, 48% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-12 10:00 CEST
25.1°C, 64% humidity
wind 0.2 m/s (0 Bft) from NE
wind gusts 1.0 m/s (1 Bft) from NE
barometer: 1013.8 mbar, ∆ -1.1 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 13.7°C .. 25.2°C
- humidity: 63% .. 99%
- barometer: 1013.8 mbar .. 1015.2 mbar
sunrise: 06:46:47
sunset: 19:36:44
moon is at 7% — waning crescent
moonrise: 03:29:34
moonset: 19:09:54
(indoors: 25.4°C, 49% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-12 07:00 CEST
13.7°C, 99% humidity
wind 0.0 m/s (0 Bft) from SE
wind gusts 0.0 m/s (0 Bft) from SE
barometer: 1014.9 mbar, ∆ 0.3 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 13.7°C .. 17.5°C
- humidity: 94% .. 99%
- barometer: 1014.5 mbar .. 1015.2 mbar
sunrise: 06:46:38
sunset: 19:36:53
moon is at 7% — waning crescent
moonrise: 03:29:23
moonset: 19:10:04
(indoors: 26.2°C, 44% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-12 06:00 CEST
14.1°C, 99% humidity
wind 0.0 m/s (0 Bft) from E
wind gusts 0.3 m/s (0 Bft) from E
barometer: 1014.9 mbar, ∆ 0.1 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 13.9°C .. 17.5°C
- humidity: 94% .. 99%
- barometer: 1014.5 mbar .. 1015.2 mbar
sunrise: 06:46:39
sunset: 19:36:52
moon is at 8% — waning crescent
moonrise: 03:29:23
moonset: 19:10:04
(indoors: 26.3°C, 44% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-12 05:00 CEST
14.3°C, 99% humidity
wind 0.0 m/s (0 Bft) from SE
wind gusts 0.0 m/s (0 Bft) from SW
barometer: 1014.9 mbar, ∆ -0.2 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 14.3°C .. 17.5°C
- humidity: 94% .. 99%
- barometer: 1014.5 mbar .. 1015.2 mbar
sunrise: 06:46:39
sunset: 19:36:52
moon is at 8% — waning crescent
moonrise: 03:29:23
moonset: 19:10:03
(indoors: 26.4°C, 44% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-12 04:00 CEST
15.2°C, 99% humidity
wind 0.3 m/s (0 Bft) from E
wind gusts 1.0 m/s (1 Bft) from E
barometer: 1014.6 mbar, ∆ -0.3 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 15.2°C .. 17.5°C
- humidity: 94% .. 99%
- barometer: 1014.5 mbar .. 1015.2 mbar
sunrise: 06:46:40
sunset: 19:36:52
moon is at 8% — waning crescent
moonrise: 03:29:24
moonset: 19:10:03
(indoors: 26.5°C, 45% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-12 03:00 CEST
15.7°C, 99% humidity
wind 0.3 m/s (0 Bft) from E
wind gusts 0.7 m/s (1 Bft) from E
barometer: 1014.8 mbar, ∆ -0.0 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 15.7°C .. 17.5°C
- humidity: 94% .. 99%
- barometer: 1014.6 mbar .. 1015.2 mbar
sunrise: 06:46:40
sunset: 19:36:51
moon is at 8% — waning crescent
moonrise: 03:29:25
moonset: 19:10:02
(indoors: 26.6°C, 45% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-12 02:00 CEST
16.2°C, 99% humidity
wind 0.0 m/s (0 Bft) from NE
wind gusts 0.0 m/s (0 Bft) from NE
barometer: 1015.1 mbar, ∆ 0.3 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 16.2°C .. 17.5°C
- humidity: 94% .. 99%
- barometer: 1014.6 mbar .. 1015.2 mbar
sunrise: 06:46:40
sunset: 19:36:51
moon is at 8% — waning crescent
moonrise: 03:29:25
moonset: 19:10:02
(indoors: 26.6°C, 46% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-12 01:00 CEST
16.6°C, 97% humidity
wind 0.0 m/s (0 Bft) from S
wind gusts 0.0 m/s (0 Bft) from SW
barometer: 1014.9 mbar, ∆ 0.2 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 16.5°C .. 17.5°C
- humidity: 94% .. 98%
- barometer: 1014.6 mbar .. 1015.0 mbar
sunrise: 06:46:41
sunset: 19:36:51
moon is at 9% — waning crescent
moonrise: 03:29:26
moonset: 19:10:01
(indoors: 26.6°C, 47% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-12 00:00 CEST
17.6°C, 94% humidity
wind 0.0 m/s (0 Bft) from NE
wind gusts 0.0 m/s (0 Bft) from S
barometer: 1014.8 mbar, ∆ 0.3 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 14.8°C .. 32.6°C
- humidity: 37% .. 99%
- barometer: 1012.7 mbar .. 1018.6 mbar
sunrise: 06:46:41
sunset: 19:36:50
moon is at 9% — waning crescent
moonrise: 03:29:27
moonset: 19:10:00
(indoors: 26.6°C, 47% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-11 23:00 CEST
19.0°C, 91% humidity
wind 0.0 m/s (0 Bft) from S
wind gusts 0.0 m/s (0 Bft) from E
barometer: 1014.8 mbar, ∆ 1.2 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 14.8°C .. 32.6°C
- humidity: 37% .. 99%
- barometer: 1012.7 mbar .. 1018.6 mbar
sunrise: 06:45:15
sunset: 19:38:58
moon is at 9% — waning crescent
moonrise: 02:19:07
moonset: 18:50:32
(indoors: 26.7°C, 47% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-11 22:00 CEST
20.0°C, 83% humidity
wind 0.0 m/s (0 Bft) from NE
wind gusts 0.0 m/s (0 Bft) from NE
barometer: 1014.7 mbar, ∆ 1.8 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 14.8°C .. 32.6°C
- humidity: 37% .. 99%
- barometer: 1012.7 mbar .. 1018.6 mbar
sunrise: 06:45:15
sunset: 19:38:58
moon is at 9% — waning crescent
moonrise: 02:19:08
moonset: 18:50:31
(indoors: 26.9°C, 47% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-11 21:00 CEST
21.7°C, 75% humidity
wind 0.0 m/s (0 Bft) from SW
wind gusts 0.3 m/s (0 Bft) from E
barometer: 1014.5 mbar, ∆ 1.7 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 14.8°C .. 32.6°C
- humidity: 37% .. 99%
- barometer: 1012.7 mbar .. 1018.6 mbar
sunrise: 06:45:17
sunset: 19:38:56
moon is at 10% — waning crescent
moonrise: 02:19:10
moonset: 18:50:30
(indoors: 27.0°C, 46% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-11 20:00 CEST
25.2°C, 62% humidity
wind 0.0 m/s (0 Bft) from N
wind gusts 0.0 m/s (0 Bft) from E
barometer: 1013.6 mbar, ∆ 0.8 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 14.8°C .. 32.6°C
- humidity: 37% .. 99%
- barometer: 1012.7 mbar .. 1018.6 mbar
sunrise: 06:45:20
sunset: 19:38:53
moon is at 10% — waning crescent
moonrise: 02:19:14
moonset: 18:50:26
(indoors: 27.1°C, 46% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-11 19:00 CEST
29.7°C, 41% humidity
wind 0.8 m/s (1 Bft) from NW
wind gusts 2.0 m/s (1 Bft) from N
barometer: 1012.9 mbar, ∆ -0.4 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 14.8°C .. 32.6°C
- humidity: 37% .. 99%
- barometer: 1012.7 mbar .. 1018.6 mbar
sunrise: 06:45:23
sunset: 19:38:50
moon is at 10% — waning crescent
moonrise: 02:19:19
moonset: 18:50:22
(indoors: 27.0°C, 45% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-11 18:00 CEST
30.8°C, 42% humidity
wind 1.4 m/s (1 Bft) from NNW
wind gusts 2.7 m/s (2 Bft) from N
barometer: 1012.8 mbar, ∆ -1.0 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 14.8°C .. 32.6°C
- humidity: 37% .. 99%
- barometer: 1012.7 mbar .. 1018.6 mbar
sunrise: 06:45:24
sunset: 19:38:49
moon is at 10% — waning crescent
moonrise: 02:19:20
moonset: 18:50:21
(indoors: 27.0°C, 46% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-11 17:00 CEST
32.0°C, 42% humidity
wind 1.0 m/s (1 Bft) from NW
wind gusts 2.7 m/s (2 Bft) from NW
barometer: 1012.8 mbar, ∆ -1.4 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 14.8°C .. 32.6°C
- humidity: 37% .. 99%
- barometer: 1012.7 mbar .. 1018.6 mbar
sunrise: 06:45:25
sunset: 19:38:48
moon is at 11% — waning crescent
moonrise: 02:19:21
moonset: 18:50:20
(indoors: 26.9°C, 46% humidity)
Weather report for #Erlangen, Germany as of 2023-09-11 16:00 CEST
31.1°C, 44% humidity
wind 1.2 m/s (1 Bft) from SW
wind gusts 3.1 m/s (2 Bft) from SW
barometer: 1013.3 mbar, ∆ -1.2 mbar
rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr, today 0.0 mm
- temperature: 14.8°C .. 31.7°C
- humidity: 44% .. 99%
- barometer: 1013.3 mbar .. 1018.6 mbar
sunrise: 06:45:24
sunset: 19:38:49
moon is at 11% — waning crescent
moonrise: 02:19:20
moonset: 18:50:21
(indoors: 26.9°C, 46% humidity)