Schedule 7: How the UK uses anti-terror laws to silence Kurds
British anti-terror police found themselves in the headlines this week after using a controversial power to detain a French publisher at the British border and quiz him about his opposition to the French government. Ernest Moret, who was travelling to the UK fo
#anti-terrorlaws #borders #ErnestMoret #Kurdishsolidarity #Schedule7
#anti #borders #ernestmoret #kurdishsolidarity #schedule7
"The International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site condemns the arrest of French publisher Ernest Moret under anti-terror laws, justified by his participation in mass protests in France against Macron’s pension cuts."
#WSWS #ErnestMoret #UK #UKPol #France #FrPol #Macron #PoliceState #Oppression #Repression #Capitalism #Protest #Resistance #WorkingClass
#wsws #ernestmoret #uk #ukpol #france #frpol #macron #policestate #oppression #repression #capitalism #protest #resistance #WorkingClass
"The International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site condemns the arrest of French publisher Ernest Moret under anti-terror laws, justified by his participation in mass protests in France against Macron’s pension cuts."
#WSWS #ErnestMoret #UK #UKPol #France #FrPol #PoliceState #Oppression #Repression #Capitalism #Protest #Resistance #WorkingClass
#wsws #ernestmoret #uk #ukpol #france #frpol #policestate #oppression #repression #capitalism #protest #resistance #WorkingClass
"French publisher arrested in London on terrorism charge"
Needless to say, journalist #ErnestMoret wasn't involved in terrorism, and was arrested for refusing to give up his passwords. The #NUJ is on the case, providing support to our French colleague.
We don't need no stinking Magna Carta!
A French publisher has been arrested on terror charges in London after being questioned by UK police about participating in anti-government protests in France.
#StinkingMagnaCarta #MagnaCarta
#ToryDictatorship #DemocracyNotAutocracy #PoliceState #ErnestMoret #protests #France #Orwellian #ThoughtPolice #1984 #oppression #repression #authoritarian #HumanRights #HumanRightsViolations #MetPolice
#metpolice #humanrightsviolations #humanrights #authoritarian #repression #oppression #thoughtpolice #orwellian #france #protests #ernestmoret #policestate #DemocracyNotAutocracy #ToryDictatorship #magnacarta #stinkingmagnacarta
French publisher arrested on terror charges in London after being questioned by UK police about protests in France
Ernest Moret, a foreign rights manager for Éditions la Fabrique, was approached by 2 plainclothes officers at St Pancras station after arriving by train from Paris for the London book fair
He was questioned for 6 hours & then arrested
#ToryDictatorship #PoliceState #ErnestMoret #protests #France #ThoughtPolice #authoritarian #HumanRights
#humanrights #authoritarian #thoughtpolice #france #protests #ernestmoret #policestate #ToryDictatorship