Künstliche Intelligenz: China gibt ChatGPT-Rivalen frei
Auch China verspricht sich viel vom Geschäft mit Künstlicher Intelligenz. Nun hat die Regierung mehrere Konkurrenten des Textroboters ChatGPT genehmigt. Wie die Programme funktionieren, kontrolliert die Staatsführung genau.
Don't think I completely forgot about this Blueberry month thing. :U
Unfortunately, Ernie didn't get the memo during this bizarre candy factory tour, and thus is paying the price. The best flavors are always blue, so I don't blame him. :B
#Yoshi #Ernie #YoshiErnie #awesome #Jess #Jessica #koopa #girl #cute #blueberry #inflation
#yoshi #ernie #yoshiernie #awesome #Jess #jessica #koopa #girl #cute #blueberry #inflation
Catalyseur is the only person I know that can manage to blow me up twice at the same time. :B Guess he's got himself two birthday balloons, and it's not even his birthday! :U
It's mine. O:
A commish for the aforementioned https://www.furaffinity.net/user/sickmidibrah
#Yoshi #Erine #YoshiErine #femaleYoshiErnie #Ernie #YoshiErnie #awesome
#yoshi #erine #yoshierine #femaleyoshiernie #ernie #yoshiernie #awesome
It's late, but I've got one more for ya! :B
.....Guys, I think Jess is doing this on purpose. She knows he's into this schtick. o3o
To be fair, both of them are. :U
#Yoshi #Ernie #YoshiErnie #awesome #Jess #Jessica #koopa #girl #cute #2Fit2Quit #exerciseoutfit #blueberry #inflation
#yoshi #ernie #yoshiernie #awesome #Jess #jessica #koopa #girl #cute #2fit2quit #exerciseoutfit #blueberry #inflation
In a bizarre twist of fate, this strange drink that was supposed to help my fitness routine ended up making me large, round, and transparent. That's the exact opposite of what I wanted! I wanna be fit and opaque, dang it! >:U
At least it's pear flavored. :B
#Yoshi #Ernie #YoshiErnie #awesome #exerciseoutfit #2Fit2Quit #slimecreature #drink
#yoshi #ernie #yoshiernie #awesome #exerciseoutfit #2fit2quit #slimecreature #drink
bonus meme gif for the “Ernie Club”
slow monday
#sluttysesamestreet #sesamestreet #gloryhole #ernie #bert
Compliments FROM the chef. :V
I noticed that people like when I roundify my main Yoshi sona as much as they enjoy roundifying YoshiErine. :B So here ya go, a little self indulgence from yours truly. XP
Loosely based on a pic I made around........13 years ago!? Man, I've been around for a while. O: Anywayz, here's the link to the old pic so you can see just how much I've improved. :b
#yoshi #ernie #yoshiernie #awesome
Today's Tech News Day looks at why Winnie the Pooh is banned from Chinese ChatGPT competitor "Ernie".
#chatgpt #pooh #xijinping #ernie #ai
Where oh where can he be?
We are excited to release the Feb'23 Edition of our Blog series titled, "This Month in AI".
We have summarised the top news in AI space you should read incase you missed it.
Read the entire post here: https://mind-benders.github.io/p/tmai-march-2023/
#ai #deeplearning #machinelearning #bard #chatgpt #artificialintelligence #google #maps #cancer #tmai #usm #ernie #vid2seq #gpt4
#ai #deeplearning #machinelearning #bard #chatgpt #artificialintelligence #google #maps #cancer #tmai #usm #ernie #vid2seq #gpt4
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #TonyBlackburnYourSoulMate
Ernie & The Family McKone:
🎵 In The Thick Of It
#nowplaying #tonyblackburnyoursoulmate #ernie #thefamilymckone
Ernie Bot, China’s answer to ChatGPT, is delayed — again
„While the American-made chatbots are mainly judged by how accurate and humanlike their responses are, chatbots developed in China must overcome an additional layer of scrutiny: the country’s strict censors.“
ihnen allen einen #gtnmrgn #krickelkrakel #ernie #sesamstrasse
#sesamstrasse #ernie #krickelkrakel #gtnmrgn
Ernie never been the same
#movie #movies #tv #tvshow #tvseries #ernie #thetoxicavenger #sesamestreet
#movie #movies #tv #tvshow #tvseries #ernie #thetoxicavenger #sesamestreet