I haven't seen much yet on the fediverse featuring the work of Mr. Hagens, but I usually enjoy his podcast and guests. He recently did a great ~20 minute short on energy return on energy investment, I found it quite enjoyable. He delves into the challenges and weaknesses of some of the different approaches for measurement, and the show notes are packed with some great references and links as well! Beware, this one is quite dense as far as videos go!
@notsoloud @Sustainable2050 @emberclimate
#renewableenergy have the worse #EROEI of all #energy production means because they use very low density primary sources. Thus, if you invest a barrel of oil in building a #windmill you will get less kWh in return than if you invest the same barrel in building a nuclear or a gaz plant. Thats pure physics and logic.
#windmill #energy #eroei #renewableenergy
L'#hydrogène est une chimère. Son #EROEI est tellement mauvais qu'il est négatif quand on prend en compte la chaîne entière "du puits à la roue" (autrement dit, de la fabrication des moyens de production d'électricité au kWh produits par un moteur thermique dont le rendement est limité à 40% par les lois de la Physique et le Cycle de Carnot).
The laws we must grapple with are not like man-made social distancing or road speed laws. They are the physical boundaries of the universe itself. It matters not one jot whether the red team or the blue team is in office when E.R.O.I. drops below the ratio required to maintain industrial civilisation. The only questions left for us to resolve are:
Can we do anything to increase #ERoEI and if not,
What is the least damaging way to de-grow an economy?
#energy #economy
@Hypx @sturle @Sustainable2050 @emberclimate
The process is HIGLY inefficient. H₂ production process has a negative (<1) #EROEI.
The transition to a low-carbon energy system will lead to less energy available for society and also to more carbon emissions - important study and 🧵 @AljosaSlamersak@twitter.com @g_kallis@twitter.com & @DrDanONeill@twitter.com #EROEI #energydescent
@gubi Il cemento ma anche molto altro, le stime sono complesse.
L'#EROEI è eg quanta energia ti resta da un combustibile dopo l'energia spesa per estrarlo. Esempio classico, il petrolio dalle sabbie canadesi è peggio di quello arabo.
L'uranio va "distillato" con processi chimici e fisici energivori per essere usato, quindi il combustibile per le centrali nucleari richiede sempre piú energia per essere prodotto. Quando finiranno le scorte facili (fra pochi decenni), le emissioni schizzeranno.
@gubi È un peccato che anche i giornalisti critici nei confronti del nucleare ripetano a pappagallo questa favoletta delle "emissioni pari quasi a zero". L'#EROEI del nucleare può anche diventare negativo.
"Si al menguante petróleo disponible se le resta la energía requerida para obtenerlo la cosa pinta crudita...
Haced el ejercicio de restar la curva amarilla (la de energía requerida para obtener el crudo) al crudo disponible. ¿Qué tal se ve la caída?"
🔗 Luis Glez Reyes (@luisglezreyes@twitter.com)