The #Eroski General Assembly met, 250 Worker Members and 250 Consumer Members.
"The €32.1 million profit of the cooperative has been allocated to pay AFSE interest and the rest to Reserves. [AFSE = controversial pre-2008 subordinated debt. 44 million euros went to pay down bank debt, still at 909 million euros.]
By end of 2022 "9,500 Work members... 1.3 million consumer members"
# 4 in market share in Spain.
Estaría bien que los supermercados implementaran la funcionalidad “lista de la compra colaborativa” para su compra online… just saying 🤓 #prica #eroski #continente 🤪
También me ha molado ver a la carnicera sacar de la cámara una caja de codillos "Campofrío" ya pelados...
Cagontó, a las carnicerías del mercado en adelante...
Okay so the chapter on #Mondragón in Gibson-Graham's Postcapitalist Politics is excellent. Sober, sympathetic, nuanced, critical, insightful. Of course it was written before the 2008 crisis when the consequences of "coopitalist" internationalization strategies in #Fagor and, in a diff. way, #Eroski became clear. The weakest element of their analysis is the rank-and-file, shop floor reality, but this is a great introduction to Mondragón and issues of #cooperativism.
#cooperativism #eroski #fagor #mondragón