Ricardo Harvin · @ricardoharvin
1498 followers · 13367 posts · Server mstdn.social

is a , , , , of and , , .

It's all over the place but its sense of innocence, even with the in which it indulges a bit, maintains throughout and keeps things light and fun.

The ending really, really, really emphasizes the most fundamental theme of the whole .

I laughed at the many silly moments; it's clear this was a fun shoot.

Don't watch while hungry 😂

#Film #movie #eroticism #pleasures #primal #carnal #Food #celebration #kinkyish #horny #Funny #hungry #weird #tampopo

Last updated 1 year ago

ceoln · @ceoln
864 followers · 11996 posts · Server qoto.org

Gathered the current crop of posts together for the weblog:

The Pleasure of the Text ceoln.wordpress.com/2023/07/08

#barthes #reading #writing #amreading #eroticism

Last updated 1 year ago

ceoln · @ceoln
861 followers · 11940 posts · Server qoto.org

Diving back into a (slow, inept) parallel reading of the "The Pleasure of the Text" and «Le Plaisir du texte», we come to and let pass unnoticed various sentences which are rather delightful if not obviously true (or obviously not true), and note only

«L'endroit le plus Ă©rotique d'un corps n'est-il pas lĂ  oĂč le vĂȘtement bĂąille?»

The most erotic place on a body, is it not where the clothing gapes?

That gets no counterargument from me. :)

Followed immediately by the suggestion that «la perversion» is «le régime du plaisir textuel». Perversion is the realm of textual pleasure?

Some of us would like to think so. But are we really that edgy? đŸ€”

#barthes #writing #reading #text #amreading #eroticism

Last updated 1 year ago

ceoln · @ceoln
854 followers · 11868 posts · Server qoto.org

Ah, this is fun: «au moment oĂč il jouit» might, given the context, go into English as "at the moment that he comes" (or even "cums"); the French verb «jouir» is ambiguous between "enjoy" and "orgasm" just as the English "to come" is ambiguous between "move towards" and "orgasm".

Google translate primly renders it as "enjoys"; Miller spells it out again, as "at the very moment of his orgasm, his bliss".

In fact this edition has a small "Note on the Text" all about how French, unlike English, has words for the erotic that are neither, as he puts it, coarse nor clinical. How educational!

#barthes #writing #reading #french #text #eroticism #translation

Last updated 1 year ago

Algernon D'Ammassa · @algernon
287 followers · 687 posts · Server journa.host

In my latest column, I set aside the political debate around the educator who lost her job over a lesson in with the statue of , and talk about my deep sadness over my country’s stunted maturity with respect to in art, the , and .


#florida #arthistory #michelangelo #david #nudity #body #eroticism #pornography

Last updated 2 years ago

V · @vincentaine
0 followers · 2 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

Hi everyone, still new here. Been living in for more than 10 years. I do and , much of it related to and . Nice to meet you all.

#tokyo #photography #arts #eroticism #sensuality

Last updated 2 years ago

Autumn Rainn · @autumnrainn
3 followers · 2 posts · Server kinky.business

1918 'In Paradise' artwork, by artist . 😘

#nsfw #erotic #artwork #eroticism #maxsvabinsky

Last updated 2 years ago

AIroticArt · @airoticart
2 followers · 4 posts · Server mas.to

Here is a collection that we just recently finished of black-and-white erotic nude artwork, our first of the genre. We like how the black-and-white makes it more abstract and compels you to focus on the form. What do you think?



#b #blackandwhite #eroticism #erotica #beauty #naked #nudeart #eroticart #fineartnude #aiart #nude

Last updated 2 years ago

Ícaro · @ikaros
16 followers · 66 posts · Server mastodon.gal
waxbanks · @waxbanks
59 followers · 119 posts · Server mstdn.social

ugh i hate hashtags but:

proud -- all of a sudden! -- of something i wrote (sort-of-)about a year and a half ago,

invoking (plus also bernard xolotl who i won't hashtag no, i mean why bother?),

which is maybe to say it's about ,

which is *actually* to say i wish you'd read it and i hope you'll like it, the rest is yours:


#eroticism #innerspace #macromind #berlinschool #wilco #dangelo #U2 #psychedelia #Music #kosmische

Last updated 2 years ago

Roger Knox · @RogerKnox
6 followers · 54 posts · Server mastodon.lol

It's rather remarkable, that given my lifelong interest in sexuality, erotic art and bisexuality, that my erotic life has never made it into any of my art, at least not directly. However, the energy that drives me to create art is the same energy that fuels my erotic life.

#creativity #erotic #eroticism #bisexual #bisexualpride #sexuality #connection #desire #expression

Last updated 2 years ago