Tutta la mia stima a chi ha ancora principi. Errore di sistema!
#edsnowden #EdwardSnowden #error #fuckthesystem
#edsnowden #edwardsnowden #error #fuckthesystem
Ich bin schon sehr enttäuscht von meinem #AnaloguePocket, ich habe bis heute nicht geschafft ein einziges #GameBoy #Game zu starten. Egal wie sehr ich die Sachen Reinige oder was auch immer ich mache, ich bekomme nur einen #Error Screen. Hat vielleicht jemand aus der #Tech
Ecke hier noch eine Idee für mich?
Achja: @ThreeM auch Radieren und 99%ISO hat nicht geholfen.
ich weiß nicht mehr weiter
#repair #löten #Elektrotechnik #fpga #retrogaming #retrogames #nintendo #analogue
#analoguepocket #gameboy #game #error #tech #repair #loten #Elektrotechnik #fpga #retrogaming #retrogames #nintendo #analogue
sys/arch/mips/include: mips3_pte.h
andvar: change #define to #error for MIPS3_4100i 8KB page size build protection.
[LOL] Error in ... line
Dai che è capitato a tutti 😂😂😂
P.S. non ricordo dove ho trovato l'immagine 😢
#programmazione #programmatori #meme #error
So das Problem mit Paperless-ngx und dem nicht funktionierenden deployen des Stack hat sich nicht erledigt.
Fehlermeldung unter folgendem Link:
#paperlessngx #docker #portainer #error
#paperlessngx #docker #portainer #error
I need to leave this #server in an #error state until I create a proper method of alerting me when this particular problem happens again .... Day by day, its latest backup is becoming more stale ....I need to restore said #backup, eventually .... #telegraf in a #container has limited ability to transmit host #stats and I'm not finding a satisfying #solution because I don't want to #rpmostree install anything *especially* from some #dirty third party repo :ablobspin:
#server #error #backup #telegraf #container #stats #solution #rpmostree #dirty #tickstack #coreos #podman
A friend sent along a couple of Bloodshot books with chromium printing errors. Can’t believe it took me this long to realize this is my love language.
#1990s #Valiant #Bloodshot #Comics #ComicBooks #Chromium #Error
#1990s #valiant #bloodshot #comics #comicbooks #chromium #error
Somewhere in Aloha there’s an overworked developer who needs a day off.
#error #programming #code #development #dev
Ich habe heute Mittag Bandnudeln mit Hüttenkäse gegessen. Ich wollte ein Foto machen, aber es war zu gut 😄
I feel very uncertain about this cartoon, how deep does the uncertainty go!
#uncertainty #error #data
#cartoon #cartoons #comic #comics #instacomic #instacartoon
#academia #science #research
#errantscience #research #science #academia #instacartoon #instacomic #comics #comic #cartoons #cartoon #data #error #uncertainty
The WordPress plugin Hcaptcha (3.0) have an issue with Contact forms 7 (php fatal error) rollback to a previous Hcaptcha version (2.10.0) to mitigate the issue. #WordPress #PHP #Error #Hcaptcha #ContactForms7
#WordPress #php #error #hcaptcha #contactforms7
A quotation from Byron, George Gordon, Lord:
With just enough of learning to misquote.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #education #error #learning #misquotation #sophomore
#quote #quotes #quotation #education #error #learning #misquotation #sophomore