Paraphrased #HH_Pattee from the same source:
This “#error_duality” (error in the #descriptions or error in the #operation) can be identified at all organizational levels:
➡️ Computer programs may have either an error in the program itself (#software error) or an error may happen because of the machine (#hardware error) that executes an otherwise correct program.
➡️ At higher levels it is possible to make an error in the choice of algorithm which is being programmed or even make a mistake in the choice of problem that the developed algorithm is supposed to solve.
➡️ Similarly in social and political organizations we distinguish between a faulty policy and the failure to execute a policy properly.
In other words, we try to distinguish between the error in our #models of reality which leads to incorrect policies (#predictions and descriptions), and the error in #control #constraints which leads to a failure of a (good) policy implementation.
#HH_Pattee #error_duality #descriptions #operation #software #models #hardware #predictions #control #constraints