Excited to report that our paper on #FossilFuelRacism was published in #ERSS!
The paper (by me, Noel Healy, Charlie Jiang, and Colette Pichon Battle) maps out:
#1. the health harms that arise at every stage of the coal, oil, and gas lifecycles, and
#2. their disproportionate impact on Black, Brown, Indigenous and poor communities. 1/x 🧵
Just published! Read why science needs to look "Beyond cooking" and investigate all energy services to improve lives in developing nations.
#EnergyAccess #Sustainability #HouseholdEnergy #ERSS #EnergyServices
#EnergyAccess #sustainability #householdenergy #erss #energyservices
RT @_ProfMarkDavis
🧵✍🏻 What better way to sign off 2022 than a new #ERSS paper from our ‘Whole Person Whole Place’ project @UKERCHQ
Loved writing this with Lizzie Bolton @BookbinderRuth @luciemiddlemiss @DocSteveHall @dr_anneowen, so here’s a thread of our key points 1/9