Quelques précisions sur l'#éruption du #Kīlauea. Il s’agit du troisième épisode éruptif de l’année et, comme les deux précédents, l’activité est confinée dans le Halema‘uma‘u, le lac de lave de la caldeira sommitale du #volcan. Une activité typique de petites fontaines de lave (quelques dizaines de mètres de hauteur au début, en baisse à 10–15 m aujourd’hui) alignées sur 1,4 km de long. Ci-dessous une vue générale et une vue rapprochée de ces fontaines (photos J. Schmith, USGS, domaine public).
#Kilauea #eruption: "Kīlauea volcano is erupting. At approximately 3:15 a.m./p.m. HST on September 10, 2023, the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory observed eruptive activity in Kīlauea summit webcam images and from field reports indicating that an eruption has commenced within Halemaʻumaʻu crater and on the down dropped block to the east in Kīlauea’s summit caldera, within Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park." https://www.usgs.gov/volcanoes/kilauea/volcano-updates
Gigantic #Tonga #Eruption Triggered The Fastest Ocean Flows Ever Recorded
Video Tongan 15.1.2022 merenalaisen tulivuoren purkauksesta kuvattuna kalastamassa olleen Branko Sugar -nimisen miehen toimesta. Tämä on totta, ei tieteiselokuva.
Destroying its own summit, Mount St. Helens (1980)
#Nature #Photography #eruption #volcano
Retrööt @JBCOYS99:
"Huge news if it’s true. It’s unlikely but could we see another #eruption by the end of the year 👀
#Iceland #Reykjanes #Fagradalsfjall " #LitliHrutur #volcano
#eruption #Iceland #Reykjanes #Fagradalsfjall #litlihrutur #volcano
"The two small islands are all that is left visible of a huge underwater volcano. The image covers an area of 4.6 by 4.6 km, was acquired September 7, 2022"
#Tonga #Eruption #ASTER
Etna is erupting! Some volcanoes just keep spewing lava
#volcano #volcanoes #MountEtna #Hawaii #PacificRingofFire #eruption #magma #lava #tectonicplates
#tectonicplates #lava #magma #eruption #pacificringoffire #hawaii #MountEtna #volcanoes #volcano
#Italien #Vesuv #Eruption #Intervall 2000Jahre
Der Vesuv: Bricht er bald wieder aus? |
National Geographic
#Italien #Vesuv #eruption #intervall
Starting any minute! 🥳
"LIVE 11.08.23 What does the 2023 eruption site in Iceland look like a week later? Isak Finnbogason - #ICELAND #FPV #drone #LitliHrutur
There has been a week since I went and did a drone live stream from the 2023 #volcano #eruption site here in Iceland. I think its about time to go back there with you all and take a closer look at how everything is looking after 7 days of no visible lava in the cone. Looking forward to hear from you all on Friday!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXqOD0GSbQ
#Iceland #fpv #drone #litlihrutur #volcano #eruption
En parlant de films de volcans... Je ne résiste pas à l'envie de partager cette petite perle : un film sur une #expédition de la Royal Society pour étudier Tristan da Cunha après l'éruption de 1961. La plus récente #éruption subaérienne sur ce caillou – un des plus isolés du monde – produisit un cône et une coulée tout près de l'unique village (Édimbourg-des-Sept-Mers !), forçant la population à évacuer (le village fut finalement épargné). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNPnBaO7tYg
"Unique footage. HIGH QUALITY SOUND of #Iceland #volcano eruption 2023 (synchronized) potzdonner
10.08.2023 # LITLIHRÚTUR #ERUPTION 2023
For hurry-up viewers: The most illustrative part of the video is from about 9:00 to 14:30. But of course the whole thing is worth watching!
This is the so-called Litli-Hrútur eruption in Iceland in 2023 ... A volcanic eruption is a grandiose spectacle to witness. I am especially impressed by the thunderous noise of the raging lava."
"The Icelandic Met Office has updated the hazard map for the eruption site. The vicinity of the #eruption area is still dangerous ... The solidified crust can be very thin in places with very hot and molten lava underneath. The edges of the new# lava field are unstable and large chunks of lava can fall sudden. ...The new lava continues degassing and hazardous gases can collect in depressions"
#volcano #iceland #Keilir #Fagradalsfjall #LitliHrutur
#eruption #volcano #Iceland #keilir #Fagradalsfjall #litlihrutur
#Eruption on #Iceland seems to have come to a halt. Next summer again? That would make 4 on a row... #geology #vulkaan #ijsland #uitbarsting https://www.youtube.com/live/yJfiMhqLgTY?feature=share
#uitbarsting #IJsland #Vulkaan #geology #iceland #eruption
Let's hope the volcano keeps going!
About to start any minute!
"LIVE 04.08.23 Day 26 at the #volcano #eruption in #Iceland! Drone live stream
Isak Finnbogason - ICELAND #FPV " #volcaniceruption #reykjanes #Fagradalsfyall #Keilir #Fagradalsfjall #LitliHrutur #drone
#volcano #eruption #Iceland #fpv #volcaniceruption #Reykjanes #fagradalsfyall #keilir #Fagradalsfjall #litlihrutur #drone
About to start any Minute 🥳
"LIVE 31.07.23 Day 22 at the volcano eruption in Iceland! Drone live stream
Isak Finnbogason - ICELAND FPV "
#volcano #eruption in #iceland
#volcaniceruption #reykjanes #Fagradalsfyall #Keilir #Fagradalsfjall #LitliHrutur
#volcano #eruption #Iceland #volcaniceruption #Reykjanes #fagradalsfyall #keilir #Fagradalsfjall #litlihrutur
There is no "Mount Skaptar". The #Icelandic name for the #eruption is Skaftáreldar, literally the Fires of/at/by the river Skaftá (Skaptá is an older spelling and the suffix -á means it is a river). Skaftá went dry because it was overrun by the lavaflow which I think is the reason for the name.
Interesting presentation by Val Troll of Tefra and Lava Samples from the current 2023 #volcano #eruption im #Iceland
"ROCK ACADEMY: *ICELAND VOLCANO ERUPTION*; Rock samples now in the Lab
Val Troll's Volcano Channel"
#volcaniceruption #reykjanes #Fagradalsfyall #Keilir #Fagradalsfjall #LitliHrutur
#volcano #eruption #Iceland #volcaniceruption #Reykjanes #fagradalsfyall #keilir #Fagradalsfjall #litlihrutur
Plan your day accordingly 😁
"LIVE 29.07.23 Day 20 at the volcano eruption in Iceland! Drone live stream
Isak Finnbogason - ICELAND FPV "
#volcano #eruption in #iceland
#volcaniceruption #reykjanes #Fagradalsfyall #Keilir #Fagradalsfjall #LitliHrutur
#volcano #eruption #Iceland #volcaniceruption #Reykjanes #fagradalsfyall #keilir #Fagradalsfjall #litlihrutur