DW English - Deutsche Welle · @dw
3866 followers · 4626 posts · Server mas.to
Les Gonzalez · @LGmedia
88 followers · 2170 posts · Server newsie.social

With all these unusual , has anyone revisited stats for recent ? The most explosive ones from the last 5 years? It’s a genuine question, because as expel material into the atmosphere, those particles may filter the sun and influence weather, etc.

#heatwaves #volcanic #eruptions #volcanoes #noaa #usgs

Last updated 1 year ago

kipuka · @kipuka
9 followers · 36 posts · Server social.sciences.re

Voici un exemple de page en cours de réalisation. Il s'agit d'une actu scientifique présentant une étude très intéressante de datation des volcaniques par l'étude des de Lune 🌔 ! Les auteurs ont étudié des 📜 du pour déterminer la luminosité des éclipses lunaires. Les éclipses particulièrement sombres indiquent la présence d'aérosols dans la stratosphère, généralement causée par une éruption.

#eruptions #eclipses #manuscrits #moyenage

Last updated 1 year ago

kipuka · @kipuka
9 followers · 35 posts · Server social.sciences.re

La production du deuxième numéro de kīpuka (à paraître fin juin) avance bien ! Le contenu est presque entièrement écrit – on attend quand même les des deux prochaines semaines pour boucler l'actu éruptive 😅 ! La recherche d'illustrations est également presque terminée. Maintenant place à la mise en page, toujours faite grâce au super Scribus : scribus.net/

#eruptions #logiciellibre

Last updated 1 year ago

Richard Pierce · @tettig
487 followers · 4184 posts · Server mas.to

There was a time when he
Didn’t have the will nor the
Power to contain his
Of temper because he was too
Impatient for this life, and
Everything moved too slowly
For him, when what he wanted
He wanted now.

Life still drags, even in this final
Quarter, and he still wishes it
Would hurry up so he could get
Some rest without feeling guilty,
But he no longer has the energy
To rail against things as they are
Now and always will be and
Always were.

#poetry #MastoPrompt #eruptions

Last updated 1 year ago

kipuka · @kipuka
6 followers · 15 posts · Server social.sciences.re

Au sommaire du numéro 1 de kīpuka : 1/ l’ éruptive du premier trimestre 2023. Le réveil du , avec un beau lac de perché ; les nuées ardentes du  ; les questions des scientifiques islandais sur la fonte précoce de la glace de l’ ; plusieurs sous-marines ayant donné lieu à de belles images satellite. Ici le , dont l’activité sous-marine produit une décoloration de l’eau de mer (contient des données Copernicus Sentinel modifiées, 2023).

#actualite #kilauea #lave #merapi #askja #eruptions #nishinoshima

Last updated 2 years ago

AnthropoceneMan · @Anthro
579 followers · 838 posts · Server universeodon.com

Question of the day: Why do expect to see increasing chloride content in surface waters around pending magmatic . I did not immediately know the answer to this.

The average chlorine content of basalts is only 0.014%.

A large fraction occurs in hydroxyl minerals such as biotite and hornblende; These minerals may contain several tenths of a per cent of chlorine. Some chlorine is also present as chloride in liquid (aqueous) inclusions.

Chlorine does not show any marked trend in the differentiation of the common igneous rocks. Since it is an element of well-developed atmophilic and hydrophilic characteristics, a general lack of correlation between chlorine and the major and minor constituents of rocks is not unexpected; an appreciable, perhaps large, fraction of the chlorine in a magma escapes on crystallization.

Few elements (compared to chlorine) have siderophilic, lithophilic, hydrophilic, and atmophilic properties all developed in comparable degree.

#geology #geologists #eruptions

Last updated 2 years ago

Magpieblog · @sarahc
1087 followers · 5066 posts · Server mas.to

A very good explanation of the Volcanic Explosivity Index, the tool that volcanologists and other scientists use to measure and compare explosive volcanic eruptions.


#geology #volcanicexplosivityindex #measurement #eruptions #volcanoes

Last updated 2 years ago

NanoBookReview · @NanoBookReview
226 followers · 466 posts · Server zirk.us

But here's the thing: volcanoes spend most of their time not erupting. When they do erupt, they often don't kill anyone. On average, there were about 40 volcanoes on earth spewing lava or ash at any single moment in time. They don't usually make headlines because they're merely obeying the laws of thermodynamics, not melting people.

–Super Volcanoes by Robin Andrews

#volcanoes #theearth #geology #eruptions #naturaldisasters #lava #ash

Last updated 2 years ago

Scientific Frontline · @sflorg
1055 followers · 2479 posts · Server mastodon.social

Mass Ejections (), which are from the , can send plasma hurtling towards Earth at high speeds. These can cause severe disruptions to power and systems.


#coronal #cme #solar #eruptions #sun #space #storms #grids #communication #artificialintelligence #ai #spaceweather #sflorg

Last updated 2 years ago

CelloMom On Cars · @CelloMomOnCars
191 followers · 1358 posts · Server mastodon.social

'Major volcanic typically cool the planet temporarily, because, until they dissipate, sulphur dioxide particles reflect sunlight away from the planet. However, the study finds that the eruption in the south Pacific expelled an unprecedented amount of into the atmosphere.'


#eruptions #tonga #water

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Erik Klemetti Gonzalez · @ewklemetti
905 followers · 206 posts · Server fediscience.org

One of the biggest myths out there about volcanoes on Earth is that, for some reason, are increasing. They're not! In fact, the number of erupting each year is remarkably steady. If anyone ever tells you otherwise, point them this way:


#science #volcano #volcanoes #eruptions

Last updated 2 years ago

Magpieblog · @sarahc
789 followers · 2659 posts · Server mas.to

No, volcanoes aren't erupting more often. Tools for observing eruptions are just getting better.

' Eruptions larger than VEI 2 are nearly flat while eruptions that are VEI 0-1 have a clear [increase] since 1960. The best explanation for this is we have just been able to document more of these small eruptions.... but the total number of eruptions is not increasing.'

H/T: Vicky Veritas


#geology #eruptions #volcanoes

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Erik Klemetti Gonzalez · @ewklemetti
900 followers · 205 posts · Server fediscience.org

2022 is coming to a close. We had a lot of news-worthy volcanic eruptions ... but does that mean that volcanic activity is on the increase? Not at all. I take a look at why it might seem that way: discovermagazine.com/planet-ea

#earthscience #geology #science #eruptions #volcano

Last updated 2 years ago

Soh Kam Yung · @sohkamyung
576 followers · 12678 posts · Server mstdn.io

"The January 15 [Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai] eruption was so explosive that it injected water vapor so high that it touched space, a first-of-its-kind observation for an earthly volcano. And the event produced the greatest concentration of lightning ever detected — making it far flashier than the 2018 eruption of Krakatau in Indonesia or the 2021 tornado outbreak across the U.S. South."


#volcanoes #eruptions

Last updated 2 years ago

tmegadeath · @tmegadeath
146 followers · 117 posts · Server astrodon.social

The article also features a beautiful image of Orion’s sword made from Spitzer, Herschel and WISE data by the inestimable Robert Hurt. This region is also known as the integral shaped filament and contains the Orion Nebula Cluster. Thanks to Pat Brennan for writing this great article. The goofy quotes are my responsibility. The papers on the protostar outbursts can be found at ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2015 and ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2022. , , , , , .

#protostars #Orion #Spitzer #herschel #outbursts #eruptions

Last updated 2 years ago

Nafnlaus 🇮🇸 🇺🇦 · @nafnlaus
723 followers · 1548 posts · Server fosstodon.org

8. "What , produced by and spread via distribution, is a problem for farmers in , and why?"

failed this (admittedly difficult) question (the answer is allophane, which binds phosphorus and other minerals, water, and reduces soil cohesion).

#mineral #subglacial #eruptions #aeolian #iceland #chatgpt3 #gpt3

Last updated 2 years ago

Die_Primel · @Die_Primel
250 followers · 1296 posts · Server det.social
Prof. Simon Carn · @simoncarn
24 followers · 2 posts · Server mastodon.social
tomkarl · @tomkarl
63 followers · 16 posts · Server atmoschem.org

Effect of on global T anomaly…. Playing with wavelet cross analysis and the latest and global data… While long-term T anomaly is associated with increasing (e.g. etc.), short-term/yearly variation is thought to be dominated by and . The wavelet cross spectrum nicely shows that is a key player for modulating global T. Interestingly, every 2nd to 3rd -Nino event or so seems to be significantly above normal (13 y peak) and coincides with the warmest years on record (1972/73, 1983, 1998, 2016). After each of these El-Nino events there was a significant slowing of global increase (incl. many -Nina years – this also includes the temperature period after 1998 and more recently stagnating Ts since 2016).

#enso #noaa #sst #temperature #global #rf #ghg #volcanic #eruptions #el #extreme #t #la #hiatus

Last updated 2 years ago