Surprenante exploration sculpturale de l’artiste autrichien Erwin Wurm, avec ce monumental « Hoody ». 🧵 ⤵️
Erwin Wurm, Untitled (Hoody I) (Philosophers)
Bronze peint haut de 4 mètres.
#art #sculpture #ErwinWurm #Hoody #StreetCulture #Extatiques #LaDéfense #photographie #vêtement #corps #identité #Paris #LeHavre #NarrowHouse #maison
#art #sculpture #erwinwurm #hoody #streetculture #extatiques #ladefense #photographie #vetement #corps #identite #paris #lehavre #narrowhouse #maison
DesignBoom : ‘trap of the truth’: erwin wurm’s mind-bending exhibition opens at yorkshire sculpture park #yorkshiresculpturepark #exhibitiondesign #erwinwurm #art
#yorkshiresculpturepark #exhibitiondesign #erwinwurm #art
DesignBoom : erwin wurm brings life to everyday objects at yorkshire sculpture park #yorkshiresculpturepark #erwinwurm #sculpture #art
#yorkshiresculpturepark #erwinwurm #sculpture #art
💕Artist: #ErwinWurm - in City: in his Garden in #Limberg Austria 🇦🇹 2015 - Title: "Big Mutter" /"Big mother", (Painted Bronze, 400x205x100 cm) #Streetart #Art #Mastoart #Artfinder #Sculpture #Bronze #Installation 🥶
#installation #bronze #sculpture #artfinder #MastoArt #art #streetart #limberg #erwinwurm
💕Artist: #ErwinWurm - in City: in his Garden in #Limberg Austria 🇦🇹 2015 - Title: "Big Mutter" /"Big mother", (Painted Bronze, 400x205x100 cm) #Streetart #Art #Mastoart #Artfinder #Sculpture #Bronze #Installation 🥶
#installation #bronze #sculpture #artfinder #MastoArt #art #streetart #limberg #erwinwurm
💕Artist: #ErwinWurm - in City: (in his Garden) in #Limberg Austria 🇦🇹 - Title: "Half Big Suite" 2016 - #streetart #art #mastoart #sculpture #Artwork #funart #installation
#installation #funart #artwork #sculpture #MastoArt #art #streetart #limberg #erwinwurm
🥐Artist: #ErwinWurm - in City: # #Berlin #KönigGallery Germany 🇩🇪 - Title: "Fat Sculptures" Serie - #streetart #art #mastoart #hoernchen #kipferl #croissant #mural #graffiti #GoodMorning☕😁🥐
#goodmorning #graffiti #Mural #croissant #kipferl #hoernchen #MastoArt #art #streetart #koniggallery #berlin #erwinwurm
🌞 MOIN, Ihr Würstchen*innen☀️😁
🔴 Wir hatten lange nichts von Erwin, dabei war er nicht untätig. Die Würstchen sollte man besser nicht stören. 💕
🔴 We had nothing from Erwin for a long time, yet he was not idle. It is better not to disturb the sausages. 💕
➡️ Artist: #ErwinWurm #Limberg Austria 🇦🇹
☕#streetart #mastoart #art #installation #Sculpture #BuonGiorno #Bonjour #GutenMorgen #GoodMorning ☕
#goodmorning #gutenmorgen #bonjour #buongiorno #sculpture #installation #art #MastoArt #streetart #limberg #erwinwurm
👜 Artist: #ErwinWurm - in City: #Bonn Germany 🇩🇪 - Title: "Walking bag" - (for Stiftung kunst Bonn) - #streetart #mastoart #art #Sculpture
#sculpture #art #MastoArt #streetart #bonn #erwinwurm