If you've been worried about the study showing that the zero calorie sweetener erythritol increased the risk of heart attacks, the Nutrition Diva (Monica Reinagel) had a great piece on it this week.
You can read or listen here: https://nutrition-diva.simplecast.com/episodes/whats-all-this-about-erythritol-and-blood-clots-iU1Z_XIg/transcript
#KnowledgeByte: In a recent study published in Nature Medicine, the popular artificial sweetener #Erythritol, which is used as a sugar substitute in many low-calorie, low-carb and keto products, has been linked to heightened risk of heart attack, stroke and death.
Know more about #Articial #Sweeteners and their corresponding health benefits and risks.
#sweeteners #articial #erythritol #knowledgebyte
👀 When even Derek Lowe says he's going to start avoiding the non-nutritional sweetener erythritol after a recent study associates it with cardiovascular problems.
#Science #Erythritol #ArtificialSweetener #Sugar #Diabetes #Food #Health #InThePipeline #DerekLowe
#science #erythritol #artificialsweetener #sugar #diabetes #food #health #inthepipeline #dereklowe
#Erythrit erhöht vielleicht das Risiko für #Herz- und #Gefäßkrankheiten
Der bekannte #Zuckerersatz Erythrit ist wahrscheinlich nicht so harmlos, wie es scheint. Neue Forschungen weisen auf ein erhöhtes Risiko für Gefäßkrankheiten hin.
#Süßstoff #Zuckeraustauschstoff #Erythritol #Blutgerinnsel #Zucker #Diabetes #Gesundheit #Zuckerersatz
#erythrit #herz #gefaßkrankheiten #zuckerersatz #sußstoff #zuckeraustauschstoff #erythritol #blutgerinnsel #zucker #diabetes #gesundheit
RT @ErnMedBlog
PS: Viele Daten deuten sogar auf gesundheitliche VORteile von #Erythritol bei Menschen mit metabolischen Erkrankungen hin, v.a. wenn dadurch #Zucker-Zufuhr reduziert werden kann.
Die aktuelle Datenlage rund um Erythritol ist hier sehr gut zusammengefasst: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36615861/
Erythritol Sweeteners May Risk Heart Attack and Stroke:
Adding Truvia and like artificial sweeteners that contain the sweet alcohol erythritol could bump up your risk of heart attack and stroke 3 to 4-fold. #erythritol #truvia #splenda #equal #heartattack #stroke #clotting
#erythritol #truvia #splenda #equal #heartattack #stroke #clotting
Erythritol sweetener -new data -avoid for now🚫
New interventional studies in vitro +mice
=new data implicating sweetener in blood clotting & cardiovascular events.
Additionally observational studies show eg participants in highest 25% blood levels for #erythritol had double cardiovascular event occurrence vs lowest 25% levels.
However obs. may well be reverse causation. High risk factor participants eg #diabetics #CVD etc =maybe more likely consuming that #sweetener
A favourite😒❌
#erythritol #Diabetics #CVD #sweetener
Based on how #NutraSweet / #Aspertame came onto the market after creating a completely fake "study" to scare people away from other sugar substitutes and to get it fast-tracked for #FDA approval... I expect NutraSweet (who had to change its name to #aspertame because consumers had so many problems with it early on) might be up to their old marketing tricks again.
#Erythritol has replaced #Aspertame as the market leader. They need to reclaim their customers.
I could be wrong, admittedly, but past experiences tell me not to trust this. I have a feeling this is some dirty tricks by the Aspertame company-- AGAIN.
#nutrasweet #aspertame #fda #erythritol
@RiaResists @Atticus1956 @GottaLaff
#NutraSweet / #Aspertame is infamous for causing headaches and migraines (and far worse), but it is not the same product as #erythritol / #Stevia / #Truvia. Be careful to not assume one sugar substitute is the same as every other, in every way.
#nutrasweet #aspertame #erythritol #stevia #truvia
NOTE that there is a HUGE flaw in this study due to #causation vs #correlation. The people being studied were all in higher-risk groups ALREADY, and a large percentage of them would have been on a #diet which required sugar substitutes-- and most of those #diets would have included #erythritol.
#Diabetes is already a high-risk factor for #heartproblems and #stroke. My husband is #TypeII and almost every #LowCarb and #SugarFree drink he likes (besides water) uses #erythritol for sweetening.
There is almost no escaping it for him.
This study was inherently flawed & very slanted, and the reporting on it has been even worse.
#causation #correlation #diet #diets #erythritol #diabetes #heartproblems #stroke #typeii #lowcarb #sugarfree #correlationdoesnotimplycausation
#Sötningsmedel kopplas till hälsorisker i ny studie
#dodsfall #stroke #hjartattacker #erythritol #sotningsmedel
The artificial #sweetener #erythritol increases risk for major adverse cardiovascular events, and is linked to heightened platelet reactivity and #thrombosis potential in humans. #CVD #stroke #myocardialinfarction #death #nutrition https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-023-02223-9
#sweetener #erythritol #thrombosis #cvd #stroke #myocardialinfarction #death #nutrition
Édulcorants : une nouvelle étude pointe du doigt les dangers de l'érythritol pour la santé cardiovasculaire https://trustmyscience.com/taux-eleve-erythritol-edulcorant-augmenterait-risques-crises-cardiaques-av #santé #étude #édulcorant #érythritol #aspartame #1st_revue #0_archivebox #2nd_frm
#2nd_frm #0_archivebox #1st_revue #aspartame #erythritol #edulcorant #etude #sante
One of the most popular artificial sweeteners in #diabetic and #keto friendly products is #erythritol. I've never liked it, and now it appears to significantly raise the risk of heart attack, clotting, and stroke. https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/27/health/zero-calorie-sweetener-heart-attack-stroke-wellness/index.html
Lokanto monk fruit with #erythritol I was using that for tea 3-5 times a week and coffee 1-3 times a week. I guess this type 2 diabetic will be joining the "make mine black" club. Sigh. 😑
#ArtificialSweetener #erythritol linked to #heartattack and #stroke: Study -- https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Wellness/artificial-sweetener-erythritol-linked-heart-attack-stroke-study/story?id=97499293 #health
#artificialsweetener #erythritol #heartattack #stroke #health
"Hmm, interesting", I think as I drink my #erythritol sweetened soda. #health
I've read a few of the articles on #erythritol and the thing I find most disappointing about them is the information that is missing. None of them mention other research on erythritol.
If you search, there are lots of other papers out there on the subject. And all of the ones I've seen so far suggest that erythritol may be beneficial.
What if it turns out that erythritol is beneficial, especially for people with diabetes? Will we see a flurry of articles again? It's doubtful.