@Moonbeam I’m also in the #EDS camp with #reynaudssyndrome and #Erythromelalgia.
#eds #reynaudssyndrome #erythromelalgia
Table 1, Cluster 28 includes erythomelalgia, 2 pain disorders - genes include SCN9A
#erythromelalgia #scn9a #channelopathy #pain
Problem is I having #Raynauds & #Erythromelalgia. When I warm up, cold agony pain becomes burning agony pain.
#Intro (Part 2). I'm #autistic and hard of hearing. I battle #trigeminalneuralgia, #HidradenitisSuppurativa, #MénièresDisease, #rheumatoidarthritis, #CPTSD, #EDS, and #erythromelalgia. I'm a multiple #TBI and #sepsis Survivor. Despite my agony, my urge to photograph, study, and narrate the world around me continues to be my driving force.
I love #StarTrek, #Physics, #Botany, #Cosmology, #astrophysics, #Reading, and hot baths.
Here's where I sell my fine art:
#intro #autistic #trigeminalneuralgia #hidradenitissuppurativa #menieresdisease #rheumatoidarthritis #cptsd #eds #erythromelalgia #tbi #sepsis #startrek #physics #botany #cosmology #astrophysics #Reading
This is interesting! I had been wondering about B5 from a #LongCovid angle, specifically wrt "Covid toes"
I found some WWII-era and earlier studies linking B5 deficiency with similar symptoms to COVID toes. (NB research methodology is... lacking)
Using names such as:
#Erythromelalgia tropicans
Hot foot and hand disease
Nutritional melalgia
I'm wondering if perhaps COVID or Long COVID affect how the body processes B5 🤔
#LongCovid #erythromelalgia #NEISvoid
This is interesting! I had been wondering about B5 from a #LongCovid angle, specifically wrt "Covid toes"
I found some WWII-era and earlier studies linking B5 deficiency with similar symptoms to COVID toes. (NB research methodology is... lacking)
Using names such as:
#Erythromelalgia tropicans
Hot foot and hand disease
Nutritional melalgia
I'm wondering if perhaps COVID or Long COVID affect how the body processes B5 🤔
#LongCovid #erythromelalgia #NEISvoid
This is interesting! I had been wondering about B5 from a #LongCovid angle, specifically wrt "Covid toes"
I found some WWII-era and earlier studies linking B5 deficiency with similar symptoms to COVID toes. (NB research methodology is... lacking)
Using names such as:
#Erythromelalgia tropicans
Hot foot and hand disease
Nutritional melalgia
I'm wondering if perhaps COVID or Long COVID affect how the body processes B5 🤔
#LongCovid #erythromelalgia #NEISvoid
This is interesting! I had been wondering about B5 from a #LongCovid angle, specifically wrt "Covid toes"
I found some WWII-era and earlier studies linking B5 deficiency with similar symptoms to COVID toes
Using names such as:
#Erythromelalgia tropicans
Hot foot and hand disease
Nutritional melalgia
I'm wondering if perhaps Long COVID causes excess utilization of B5 🤔