Man the #Sentinel1 images of NW #Greenland look *cool*
(Sentinel 1 is an #ESA radar satellite - so it can see through clouds, but the images are in black and white)
#SciArt #EarthArt #EO #ESAClimate #EarthObservation #SatPic #Satellite #RemoteSensing
#RemoteSensing #satellite #satpic #earthobservation #esaclimate #eo #earthart #sciart #esa #Greenland #Sentinel1
The current state of the #Arctic #seaice is as follows:
In May, the sea ice reached its 18th lowest extent since the era of satellite observation - an extent that can be considered relatively average when compared to the complete record.
The eastern Barents Sea has less ice than usual, while the ice extent in the East Greenland Current and the Fram Strait is greater than usual.
Source: #OSISAF #ESAClimate
#esaclimate #osisaf #seaice #arctic
In the past 10 years, the #Antarctic #seaice extent has taken on the same pattern as that seen in the #Weddell Sea.
Furthermore, the sea-ice extent in the Weddell Sea also hit an all-time low in May of 2023.
Source: #OSISAF #ESAClimate
#esaclimate #osisaf #weddell #seaice #Antarctic
Recapping the current condition of #Antarctic sea ice.
As anticipated, the May #seaice extent ultimately hit a ***record-low*** and remarkably low level - dropping by around 400 kkm² compared to the prior record-low in 2019.
Source: #OSISAF #ESAClimate
#esaclimate #osisaf #seaice #Antarctic