@SusanPotter Seriously, WTF?
Last time a fmr. employer of mine flexed their #EscalatingCommitment to an overpriced office space, 75% of the #Linux team (including myself) left.
Pretty shure with your skillset recruiters at #HAYS & #roberthalf want to instantly offer you an exclusivity deal...
#roberthalf #hays #Linux #escalatingcommitment
@lyyn @fla @Seirdy @neurovagrant
I gues I misunderstood you.
I'm just running out of spoons to deal with shitty #Signal #fans that flex their #EscalatingCommitment and #CognitiveDissonance like #SystemD-Haters and #Rust fans...
It's really tiring because they do know they're talking bs but they refuse to admit it to themselves and everyone else...
#Rust #systemd #cognitivedissonance #escalatingcommitment #fans #Signal
Seriously, someone needs to work on their #EscalatingCommitment to a #Corporation that doesn't even pay them minimum wage...
#Signal is not your friend nor a solution to #SurveillanceCapitalism, because they too need to make ends meet!
#SurveillanceCapitalism #Signal #corporation #escalatingcommitment
@Cmdrmoto so jist admit you're invested In #China / #Filecoin and/or #Heloim or whatever #Shitcoin is currently popular and that you'd rather flex your #EscalatingCommitment rather than accepting you've been wrong and get over it...
#escalatingcommitment #shitcoin #heloim #filecoin #China
@NerdShinobi @DetritusBooks @CrimethInc that's because they are invested in the #StatusQuo - whether that's by #greed & #corruption or #EscalatingCommitment is irrelevant for the result...
#escalatingcommitment #Corruption #greed #statusquo