I *think* I might not be buying any more #EscapeTales #boardgames. I started playing #ChildrenOfWyrmwoods today. And while I kinda like the games storywise, and also enjoy new aspects they introduce, some of the puzzles are plain annoying. I played part of the first chapter and ran into two puzzles I couldn't solve. Even after reading the hints, and the solution, I still couldn't figure them out. And others are ridiculously easy too.
#escapetales #boardgames #ChildrenOfWyrmwoods
Finished #EscapeTales #LowMemory.
Story was good, puzzles made me angry. In one case today, I used the app to get hints, then to get the solution, THEN I read bgg forums about the puzzle, THEN I spent another half hour trying to figure it out. That wasn't fun...
Played some more #EscapeTales #LowMemory, finished the first and second chapters. From a story standpoint, there are surprises, and at this point I'm a bit confused. From a gameplay perspective, there are quite a few puzzles I dislike. Some are anything but obvious. I read up the solution for two of them and still find them far-fetched. Some others aren't really puzzles but just busywork with trial and error.
IMO this one doesn't really live up to the expectations #TheAwakening gave me.
#escapetales #LowMemory #theawakening
Spielt ja sonst keiner mit mir.
#boardgames #EscapeTales #LowMemory.
#boardgames #escapetales #LowMemory
Es gibt ein neues #EscapeTales 😍
#boardgames #gamenight #Spiel20
#escapetales #boardgames #gamenight #Spiel20