@veltar alors, en plus de ce qui a été proposé, il y a les #Decktective et les #EscapeTheRoom
On a joué à un #j2s d'énigmes : #MystèresAuManoirDeLAstrologue par
Très agréable à jouer (bien que très linéaire), l'histoire est bien et les énigmes intéressantes sans être impossibles.
Bref, je recommande !
Par contre, c'est comme #Unlock où c'est indiqué que l'on peut jouer à 6, bah là, c'est indiqué jusqu'à 8 ! 😂😂😂
Bref, c'est plus 2-3 joueurs , voir 4 max !
#unlock #escapetheroom #mysteresaumanoirdelastrologue #j2s
Afternoon Tŵters! Have had a lovely day in Carmarthen, doing an #EscapeTheRoom game with my stepdad, my brother, and his partner. Their 1-yr old was very helpful! 😛 We escaped with minutes to spare. We then found a #curry house doing a daytime buffet, so had a great lunch afterwards. Home now, & I think a nap is in order!
Afternoon Tŵters! Early start this morning, nap over lunch time, and now I'm resting this afternoon before #therapy tonight, followed by a busy few days with #TaiChi , #Gym , and #Swimming as well as seeing my family, and an #EscapeTheRoom thing with them on the Saturday before curry night in the evening. I think I don't really stop til next Sunday now!
Hope you're all doing well and feeling good 🙂
#escapetheroom #swimming #gym #taichi #therapy