Minor Key . Net Playlist 6/26/23
#NaimaBock #GlennGould #ColumbiaSymphonyOrchestra #VladimirGolschmann #LucieHorsch #ClaireGautrot #PierreGallon #EscherStringQuartet #ColinCurrie #ErikBosgraaf #RobertSmith #AlessandroPianu #CarlRosman #NinaSimone #HilaryHahn #SirNevilleMarrin #TrioHΓ©lios #RaphaelaGromes #JulianRiem #LucileBoulanger #ArnauddePasquale
#naimabock #glenngould #columbiasymphonyorchestra #vladimirgolschmann #luciehorsch #clairegautrot #pierregallon #escherstringquartet #colincurrie #erikbosgraaf #robertsmith #alessandropianu #carlrosman #ninasimone #hilaryhahn #sirnevillemarrin #triohelios #raphaelagromes #julianriem #lucileboulanger #arnauddepasquale
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #AfternoonConcert
Franz Schubert & Escher String Quartet:
π΅ Trio (Allegro and andante fragment) in B flat major, D 471
#nowplaying #AfternoonConcert #franzschubert #escherstringquartet
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Radio3InConcert
Samuel Barber & Escher String Quartet:
π΅ String Quartet in B Minor, Op 11
#SamuelBarber #EscherStringQuartet
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#nowplaying #Radio3InConcert #SamuelBarber #escherstringquartet
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #AfternoonConcert
Alexander von Zemlinsky & Escher String Quartet:
π΅ String Quartet no.1 in A major Op.4 (4th mvt)
#nowplaying #AfternoonConcert #alexandervonzemlinsky #escherstringquartet