ESEC/FSE2022 was a blast. Got to spend the last day with awesome folks and we explored the Gardens by the Bay area.
Hashtags aren't the SE community's core strength :)
So far I have seen people toot under #FSE2022, #esecfse2022, and #esecfse22 ;)
#esecfse22 #esecfse2022 #FSE2022
Sigsoft FSE 2022 impact paper award goes to Mik Kersten and Gail Murphy.
Now, a cool talk about testing uncertainties in elevator software #esecfse22
Photos from the first day at #esecfse22
Want to learn more about Open Source Software Sustainability? Come see my talk today at #esecfse22, starting at 11:15 AM in LT51.
For more details, see
#esecfse2022 #oss #osssustainability #ASF
#esecfse22 #esecfse2022 #oss #osssustainability #asf
Learnings from analyzing a decade worth of artifacts evaluation.