📬 Telekopye: Telegram-Bot sorgt für hinterlistige Phishing-Betrügereien
#Datenschutz #OnlineBetrug #CyberBetrüger #Eset #Phishing #PhishingAngriff #PhishingBot #Telegram #TelegramBot #Telekopye https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/it-sicherheit/online-betrug/telekopye-telegram-bot-sorgt-fuer-hinterlistige-phishing-betruegereien-279974.html
#datenschutz #OnlineBetrug #cyberbetruger #eset #phishing #PhishingAngriff #phishingbot #telegram #telegrambot #telekopye
SecurityOnline: CVE-2023-3160: ESET Security Products for Windows Vulnerable to Privilege Escalation Attack https://securityonline.info/cve-2023-3160-eset-security-products-for-windows-vulnerable-to-privilege-escalation-attack/ #ESETNOD32Antivirus #Vulnerability #CVE-2023-3160 #ESET
#esetnod32antivirus #vulnerability #cve #eset
#Eset schließt Sicherheitslücken in Virenscannern für #Linux und #Mac | Security https://www.heise.de/news/Eset-schliesst-Sicherheitsluecken-in-Virenscannern-fuer-Linux-und-Mac-9188823.html #Patchday
AceCryptor; il nuovo ransomware in circolazione dal 2016 che ha colpito 240.000 volte
La società slovacca #ESET ha affermato in un recente rapporto che un #ransomware chiamato #AceCryptor è stato utilizzato da aggressori di vario genere dal 2016.
Questo strumento consente ai #criminali #informatici di nascondere il proprio #malware dal rilevamento da parte di #software specializzati e dalle analisi da parte di specialisti.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#eset #ransomware #AceCryptor #criminali #informatici #malware #software #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity
📬 iRecorder: Screen-Recorder-App zeichnet heimlich Gespräche auf
#Malware #AhMyth #AhRat #AndroidApp #Eset #GooglePlayStore #iRecorder #RemoteAccessTrojaner #ScreenRecorder #Spionagesoftware #Trojaner https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/it-sicherheit/malware/irecorder-screen-recorder-app-zeichnet-heimlich-gespraeche-auf-275471.html
#trojaner #spionagesoftware #screenrecorder #RemoteAccessTrojaner #irecorder #googleplaystore #eset #androidapp #ahrat #ahmyth #malware
Attention, un redoutable malware s’attaque aux gestionnaires de mots de passe
#virus #malware #password #crypto #windows #ViperSoftX #Google #chrome #Brave, #irefox #Microsoft #Edge #Opera #1Password #KeePass #antivirus #Defender #ESET
#virus #malware #password #crypto #windows #vipersoftx #google #chrome #brave #irefox #microsoft #edge #opera #1password #keepass #antivirus #defender #eset
I dispositivi hardware venduti usati contengono dati per violare le organizzazioni
Le #apparecchiature acquistate da #ESET in questo test hanno incluso quattro dispositivi #Cisco (ASA 5500), tre dispositivi #Fortinet (serie Fortigate) e 11 dispositivi #Juniper Networks (SRX Series Services Gateway).
Dopo una serie di analisi, gli specialisti hanno scoperto che non è raro trovare #dati #sensibili dimenticati nel #dispositivo. Tali #dati possono essere utilizzati per infiltrarsi negli ambienti aziendali o di produzione e sferrare attacchi mirati e compromettere le aziende.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#apparecchiature #eset #cisco #fortinet #juniper #dati #sensibili #dispositivo #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity
3CX Breach Was a Double Supply Chain Compromise https://krebsonsecurity.com/2023/04/3cx-breach-was-a-double-supply-chain-compromise/ #doublesupplychainbreach #Marc-EtienneM.Leveille #TradingTechnologies #Ne'er-Do-WellNews #ClearSkySecurity #ALittleSunshine #ElasticSecurity #LatestWarnings #TheComingStorm #ICONICSTEALER #DiamondSleet #KasperskyLab #PeterKalnai #supplychain #kimzetter #microsoft #Mandiant #X_Trader #zeroday #macOS #ESET #ZINC #3CX
#doublesupplychainbreach #marc #tradingtechnologies #ne #clearskysecurity #ALittleSunshine #elasticsecurity #LatestWarnings #TheComingStorm #iconicstealer #diamondsleet #kasperskylab #peterkalnai #supplychain #kimzetter #microsoft #mandiant #x_trader #zeroday #macos #eset #zinc #3cx
Alguna buena recomendación de #antivirus para #Linux?
He visto varias reviews pero los links de descarga no funcionan y/o no lo encuentro en las páginas de fabricante (#Sophos, #ESET).
No importa si es de pago, lo importante es que sea bueno y confiable.
#eset #sophos #Linux #antivirus
Il malware FatalRat si maschera da APP popolari e viene pubblicizzato tramite Google ADS
Gli #esperti di #ESET hanno scoperto recentemente il #malware #FatalRAT, che prende di mira gli utenti di lingua cinese. La minaccia viene diffusa attraverso falsi siti #Web di #app popolari e viene pubblicizzato tramite #Google Ads.
I #ricercatori affermano che FatalRAT è attivo almeno dall’estate del 2021 ed è in grado di #intercettare sequenze di tasti, modificare la risoluzione dello schermo della #vittima, scaricare ed eseguire file, eseguire #comandi #shell arbitrari e rubare o eliminare #dati memorizzati nei #browser.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#esperti #eset #malware #FatalRAT #web #app #google #ricercatori #intercettare #vittima #comandi #shell #dati #browser #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity
These aren’t the apps you’re looking for: fake installers targeting Southeast and East Asia 👇 :2001:
#eset #cyberdecurity #malware #apps #cyberattacks
A ver gente, ustedes que saben: qué #antivirus es mejor para #Linux? Hogareño, no oficina.
Ojalá Free aunque puede ser de pago pero tiene que ser bueno.
#Sophos y #Comodo no pude descargarlos.
#ClamAV lo instalé y estoy probando.
#ESET parece estar descontinuado.
#Avast al parecer es sólo empresarial y en la web ofrece minimo 3 equipo.
#F-Secure, #Kaspersky y #McAfee al parecer también serían empresarial.
Dr.Web parece mas hogareño y me deja bajarlo.
#virus #malware #seguridad #mcafee #kaspersky #f #avast #eset #clamav #comodo #sophos #Linux #antivirus
Russia-Ukraine war's huge economic consequences for Slovakian vendor Eset, Ukraine's largest cybersec company, Russia's second-largest https://www.bankinfosecurity.com/ceo-marko-on-how-russia-ukraine-war-has-affected-eset-a-21084 CEO Richard Marko: Eset Informed About Russian Attacks Michael Novinson #cybersecurity #cyberwarfare #ukraine #eset
#cybersecurity #cyberwarfare #ukraine #eset
📬 Telegram App dient StrongPity-Hackern als Überwachungssoftware
#Malware #AndroidMalware #APTGruppe #Eset #Shagle #StrongPity #TelegramApp #Überwachungssoftware #Videochat https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/malware/telegram-app-dient-strongpity-hackern-als-ueberwachungssoftware-262876.html
#videochat #uberwachungssoftware #telegramapp #strongpity #shagle #eset #aptgruppe #androidmalware #malware
Аааррргггххх... Как же раздражают эти #лаунчеры в #играх для #PC!! Вот, на Android тыкнешь по иконке - и сразу игра запускается. Но #ПК-#платформа никогда не добавляла радостей #жизни! Несколько дней назад решил собрать #вселенную своих #персонажей + #портировать их в #SimsFreePlay. И, что ж вы думаете, чтобы выдрать из The #Sims 3 имя и образ одного из #симов, которого я забыл, пришлось сначала запустить #EA Desktop (промучился с ним полдня, оказалось, #ESET Smart Security его тупо банил зачем-то), а дальше - придётся ещё и #Sims3Luncher запускать!! Бесит!! Бесит!!
#sims3luncher #eset #ea #симов #sims #simsfreeplay #портировать #персонажей #вселенную #жизни #платформа #ПК #pc #играх #лаунчеры
I have just moved across from mastodon.au because #ESET was blocking the browser for mastodon.au access