A Canadian court accepts đź‘Ť emoji as electronic signature
#law #lawyers #lawfedi #contracts #technology #tech #ecommerce #esignature
#law #lawyers #lawfedi #contracts #Technology #tech #ecommerce #esignature
I've made a quick and dirty minimal Java command line interface app that signs files passed by argument, using the Europeam Comission #eSignature DSS library. Few dozen lines, simpler than their standalone sample, for a non-EU country scenario:
The 🇺🇦 Дня app was the first globally to provide electronic passport, and now many other services such as driver license registration, #eSignature, mortgage application… and some war specifics.
Auf Linkedin gibt es eine Nachfolger-Community der auf XING gelöschten Gruppe "Information & Document Management" (I&DM, #XIDM, #IDMLN): https://www.linkedin.com/groups/14188051/
#neu #XING #XINGGruppe #Linkedin #Migration #Umzug #Gruppe #Information #Document #Management #IDM #I&DM #XIDM #IDMLN #PROJECTCONSULT #PCIM #ECM #DMS #Archivierung #Continuity #IIM #GRC #EIM #InformationManagement #InfoGov #Trends #AI #KI #Automation #ML #Compliance #eGov #Standards #laws #InformationManagement #IDM #eSignature
#xidm #idmln #neu #xing #xinggruppe #linkedin #migration #umzug #gruppe #information #document #management #idm #i #projectconsult #pcim #ecm #dms #archivierung #continuity #iim #grc #eim #informationmanagement #infogov #trends #ai #ki #automation #ml #compliance #egov #standards #laws #esignature
I use Mastodon mainly to link & promote articles in my blog or my Essentials:
#InformationManagement #IIM #ECM #EIM #DMS #KI #AI #ML #Preservation #Archiving #Collaboration #Compliance #InformationGovernance #BPM #RPA #Automation #Scanning #WCM #CMS #KnowledgeManagement #RecordsManagement #Standards #Wissensmanagement #KI #Archivierung #Revisionssicherheit #GRC #InfoGov #eGov #ESignature #eID #Trends #Workflow #eAkte #Vorgangsbearbeitung #PROJECTCONSULT #PCHH #DrUKff
#informationmanagement #iim #ecm #eim #dms #ki #ai #ml #preservation #archiving #collaboration #compliance #informationgovernance #bpm #rpa #automation #scanning #wcm #cms #knowledgemanagement #recordsmanagement #standards #wissensmanagement #archivierung #revisionssicherheit #grc #infogov #egov #esignature #eid #trends #workflow #eakte #vorgangsbearbeitung #projectconsult #pchh #drukff
Auf XING existierte seit Februar 2004 die Gruppe I&DM "Information & Document Management" mit rund 13.000 Mitgliedern. Diese Gruppe ist jetzt auf Linkedin neu aufgesetzt worden:
#Linkedin #XING #Gruppe #IDM #InformationDocumentManagement #DMS #ECM #EIM #IIM #CSP #BPM #Preservation #Archiving #Collaboration #WCM #RecordsManagement #RPA #Discussion #News #GRC #InfoGov #InformationManagement #Compliance #Audittrail #ESignature #eID #Portal #Cloud #automation #AI #ML #KM
#linkedin #xing #gruppe #idm #informationdocumentmanagement #dms #ecm #eim #iim #csp #bpm #preservation #archiving #collaboration #wcm #recordsmanagement #rpa #discussion #news #grc #infogov #informationmanagement #compliance #audittrail #esignature #eid #portal #cloud #automation #ai #ml #km
Trends im Information Management 2023
Ich habe einmal im Blog ein paar Trendlisten zu #InformationManagement #Automation #ECM #DMS #EIM #BPM #IIM #eID #eSignature #ContentServices #CSPs #IT #ITK #KM #AI gesammelt.
#informationmanagement #automation #ecm #dms #eim #bpm #iim #eid #esignature #contentservices #csps #it #itk #km #ai #pchh
As the owner of a small UK #business that doesn’t initiate #contracts very frequently, I’ve been looking for a free-at-small-scale #ESignature service for a while. #PandaDoc (https://www.pandadoc.com/pricing/) seems to meet that need.
My first experience using them to import a Google Docs’ PDF export, marking it up for signature, sending it out to a client, and signing it myself on a mobile device was really good.
I can see how they’ll try to upsell me, but I’m firmly in their free tier for now!
#business #contracts #esignature #pandadoc
PROJECT CONSULT Blog - Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer schreibt zu Information Management, Information Governance & Information Society | #ECM #DMS #IIM #InfoGov #BPM #AI #KI #EIM #ContentServices #CMS #eGov #Cloud #eAkte #RPA #eSignature #DigitalSignature #KM #Archivierung #Preservation #Collaboration #Compliance #Trends #Standards #Dokumentenmanagement #Workflow #Privacy #RecordsManagement #RIM #Cybersecurity #Trends #Standards #InformationSociety @DrUKff #PCHH #PROJECTCONSULT | http://bit.ly/3oLMvGp
#ecm #dms #iim #infogov #bpm #ai #ki #eim #contentservices #cms #egov #cloud #eakte #rpa #esignature #digitalsignature #km #archivierung #preservation #collaboration #compliance #trends #standards #dokumentenmanagement #workflow #privacy #recordsmanagement #rim #cybersecurity #informationsociety #pchh #projectconsult
PROJECT CONSULT Blog - Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer schreibt zu Information Management, Information Governance & Information Society | #ECM #DMS #IIM #InfoGov #BPM #AI #KI #EIM #ContentServices #CMS #eGov #Cloud #eAkte #RPA #eSignature #DigitalSignature #KM #Archivierung #Preservation #Collaboration #Compliance #Trends #Standards #Dokumentenmanagement #Workflow #Privacy #RecordsMansagement #Cybersecurity #Trends #Standards #InformationSociety @DrUKff #PCHH #PROJECTCONSULT | http://bit.ly/3oLMvGp
#ecm #dms #iim #infogov #bpm #ai #ki #eim #contentservices #cms #egov #cloud #eakte #rpa #esignature #digitalsignature #km #archivierung #preservation #collaboration #compliance #trends #standards #dokumentenmanagement #workflow #privacy #recordsmansagement #cybersecurity #informationsociety #pchh #projectconsult
PROJECT CONSULT Blog - Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer schreibt zu Information Management, Information Governance & Information Society | #ECM #DMS #IIM #InfoGov #BPM #AI #KI #EIM #ContentServices #CMS #eGov #Cloud #eAkte #RPA #eSignature #DigitalSignature #KM #Archivierung #Preservation #Collaboration #Compliance #Trends #Standards #Dokumentenmanagement #Workflow #RecordsMansagement #Cybersecurity #Trends #Standards #InformationSociety | @DrUKff #PCHH #PROJECTCONSULT | Test |
#ecm #dms #iim #infogov #bpm #ai #ki #eim #contentservices #cms #egov #cloud #eakte #rpa #esignature #digitalsignature #km #archivierung #preservation #collaboration #compliance #trends #standards #dokumentenmanagement #workflow #recordsmansagement #cybersecurity #informationsociety #pchh #projectconsult
Top E-Signature Products for 2023 - The days of printing out a document, signing it, and then scanning or mailing it b... - https://readwrite.com/top-e-signature-products-for-2023/ #digitalsignature #esignaturemarket #esignature #readwrite #web
#web #readwrite #esignature #esignaturemarket #digitalsignature