Flipou - #ESMA 2022
Une créature en baudruche, Flipou, tombe du ciel dans une clairière. Dégonflé, il rencontre des plantes aux effets étonnants. Il découvre que la chaleur de la flore le fait gonfler, tandis que les plantes, après s’être animées, deviennent inertes et se gèlent.
EU-Behörde ESMA veröffentlicht erstes Konsultationspapier für MiCA https://de.cointelegraph.com/news/esma-european-regulator-releases-consultative-paper-mica-standards-for-crypto-asset-service-providers #Kryptowährungen #DigitalAssets #Krypto #MiCA #ESMA
#kryptowahrungen #digitalassets #Krypto #MiCA #esma
EU’s ESMA Issues First Batch of Detailed Crypto Rules Under MiCA Law - Consultations cover authorization and conflict of interest rules for crypto companies und... - https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2023/07/12/eus-esma-issues-first-batch-of-detailed-crypto-rules-under-mica-law/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #regulations #policy #news #mica #esma #eu
#eu #esma #mica #news #policy #regulations
EU to Consult on Crypto Complaints, Conflict of Interest Rules in July - The bloc’s securities-market authority ESMA is to fill in the details of the flagship cry... - https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2023/06/15/eu-to-consult-on-crypto-complaints-conflict-of-interest-rules-in-july/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #regulations #policy #news #mica #esma #eu
#eu #esma #mica #news #policy #regulations
"Bij peerreviews van internationale instellingen als @FATFNews en #ESMA zijn boetes een favoriete indicator" #Wwft #angst
EU Securities Watchdog ESMA Warns of Unregulated Crypto, Gold Investment Offerings - The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has issued a warning regardin... - https://news.bitcoin.com/eu-securities-watchdog-esma-warns-of-unregulated-crypto-gold-investment-offerings/ #investmentfirms #cryptoassets #investments #legislation #regulation #investment #securities #investors #regulator #statement #european #watchdog #warning #crypto #europe #risks #esma #mica #law #eu
#eu #law #mica #esma #risks #europe #crypto #warning #watchdog #european #statement #regulator #investors #securities #investment #regulation #legislation #investments #cryptoassets #investmentfirms
EU fordert Investmentfirmen zur klaren Kennzeichnung ihrer Krypto-Produkte auf https://de.cointelegraph.com/news/eu-regulator-urges-crypto-firms-to-disclose-regulatory-status-of-products #MarketsinCryptoAssets #EuropäischeUnion #Kryptowährungen #Regulierung #Krypto #Assets #Europa #ESMA #MiCA #EU
#MarketsinCryptoAssets #europaischeunion #kryptowahrungen #Regulierung #Krypto #assets #Europa #esma #MiCA #EU
EU Investment Firms Should Clearly State Crypto Is Unregulated, Watchdog Says - Companies that market crypto alongside traditional securities might mislead consumers abo... - https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2023/05/26/eu-investment-firms-should-clearly-state-crypto-is-unregulated-watchdog-says/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #regulations #policy #news #esma #mica #eu
#eu #mica #esma #news #policy #regulations
Play list Puntata n. 16 di Domenica 23 Aprile 2023 https://www.radiocittafujiko.it/play-list-puntata-n-16-di-domenica-23-aprile-2023/ #PierangeloeAngeloBertoli #DJThorfeat.FaooBeat #GionnyScandal #GiovanniUsai #ForseFrasca #Painkillers #Romeo&Drill #Solisumarte #PLAYLIST #Panorama #MUSICA #Eterea #Fosca #Garbo #r3llo #Esma #Uno
#PierangeloeAngeloBertoli #DJThorfeat #GionnyScandal #GiovanniUsai #ForseFrasca #painkillers #romeo #Solisumarte #playlist #panorama #musica #eterea #Fosca #garbo #r3llo #esma #uno
BaFin: Behörde übernimmt EU-Leitlinie für DLT-Wertpapierhandel https://www.btc-echo.de/schlagzeilen/bafin-uebernimmt-europaeische-leitlinie-fuer-dlt-wertpapierhandel-163035/ #Regulierung #BaFin #ESMA #DLT
#Regulierung #BaFin #esma #dlt
#ESMA-Chefin fordert einheitliche Regeln zur Anlageberatung
RT @ESMAComms@twitter.com
🤝 #ESMA and @eu_acer@twitter.com have signed an updated Memorandum of Understanding which strengthens collaboration between the two institutions → https://europa.eu/!Ck9Mkh.
🔎 new cooperation areas under the market correction mechanism Regulation and benchmarks
🔎 ACER–ESMA Task Force
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ESMAComms/status/1632686238762147840
Au fil de l'âge (2015) [6 min] by Laura Bouquet, Raphaël Christien, Clotilde Gillardeau, Matthieu Laillier, Mélodie Mouton and Romain Mace | #France
#3D #3DAnimation #AnimatedShort #AnimatedShortOfTheDay #Animation #ESMA
#france #3d #3danimation #animatedshort #animatedshortoftheday #animation #esma
Angle Mort (2012) [9 min] by Maud Bourgeais, Ruben Cohen, Sarah Dupont and Gaël Heux | #France
#france #3d #3danimation #animation #animatedshort #esma #suspense
European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), Trends, Risks and Vulnerabilities (TRV) Report, February 9, 2023
— Available here: https://www.esma.europa.eu/sites/default/files/library/ESMA50-165-2438_trv_1-23_risk_monitor.pdf
#cryptoassets #digitalassets #cryptocurrency #regulation #banking #financialservices #riskmanagement #operationalrisk #financialrisk #financialstability #governance #securities #financialmarkets #ESMA #EuropeanUnion #Eurosystem #Europe
#Europe #Eurosystem #EuropeanUnion #esma #financialmarkets #securities #governance #financialstability #financialrisk #operationalrisk #riskmanagement #financialservices #banking #regulation #Cryptocurrency #digitalassets #cryptoassets
Verena Ross, European Securities and Markets Authority Chair, Developments in AI and blockchain – how do we protect investors and supervise markets effectively?, ESMA, February 7, 2023
— Available here: https://www.esma.europa.eu/sites/default/files/library/ESMA50-164-7147_Afore_Verena_Ross_speech_20230207.pdf
#cryptoassets #distributedledger #DLT #MiCA #CASP #DeFi #artificialintelligence #blockchain #banking #financialservices #investorprotection #marketintegrity #financialstability #corporategovernance #payments #regulation #securities #ESMA #Europe
#Europe #esma #securities #regulation #payments #Corporategovernance #financialstability #marketintegrity #investorprotection #financialservices #banking #BlockChain #artificialintelligence #defi #casp #mica #DLT #distributedledger #cryptoassets
RT @ANPIRomaPosti@twitter.com
Il #27gennaio 1977 #DagmarIngridHagelin tentò di sottrarsi ad un tentativo di sequestro da parte di un commando della Marina a #ElPalomar.Fuggì,ma #AlfredAstiz, noto boia dell’#ESMA, le sparò alle spalle ferendola gravemente.Aveva 17 anni.
Da quel giorno nessuno l’ha più vista.
#esma #alfredastiz #elpalomar #dagmaringridhagelin #27gennaio