These look delicious 🤩
RT @dojle74
So, who said you don't learn anything from gaming? I've played #ESO or #ElderScrollsOnline since 2018, and at #ESOGlobalReveal on Wednesday, we learned how to make cabbage bisquits, and this is the result, just added chopped olives. Thanks for the watch party @Bethesda_Nordic
#esoglobalreveal #elderscrollsonline #eso
RT @RonjakiArt
Playing Necrom with Maegon gonna be like:
#esofam #esoglobalreveal #elderscrollsonline
Looks so cool 🤩
RT @AlcastHQ
The Arcanist class preview images taken from the #ESO live stream from #ESOGlobalReveal #ShadowOverMorrowind @TESOnline
Looking good🔥🔥🔥
#shadowovermorrowind #esoglobalreveal #eso
RT @Bethesda_Nordic
With Update 38, players will be able to unlock up to 20 character slots. Even better, one comes free with the purchase of the Necrom Chapter! #ESOGlobalReveal
Referenced link:
Aaaand the watch party continues with @TESOnline 📺
Catch the 2023 #ESOGlobalReveal live now to see more of what's coming in the ESO world!
Originally posted by: Xbox /
RT @Bethesda_Nordic
Welcome to the #ESOGlobalReveal! We have a lot in store for players this year, including a visit from a well-known Daedric Prince, a return to Morrowind, and not least of all, a new class. #ESOGlobalReveal
Gather your snacks and get ready! The #DeveloperDirect followed by the #ESOGlobalReveal starts in just a few short hours on ⏱️
Where will you be while you watch today? With friends in ESO? Cozy at home in the real world? Show us!
#Gaming #TESo #TES #GamingCommunity #ESOFam #ShareYourGames #Streaming #MMORPG #Twitch
@tesonline_de @tesonline
#developerdirect #esoglobalreveal #gaming #teso #tes #gamingcommunity #esofam #shareyourgames #streaming #mmorpg #twitch
Gather your snacks and get ready! The #DeveloperDirect followed by the #ESOGlobalReveal starts in just a few short hours on ⏱️
Where will you be while you watch today? With friends in ESO? Cozy at home in the real world? Show us!
#developerdirect #esoglobalreveal #gaming #eso #tes
RT @Bethesda_Nordic
Last but not least: Come join our Nordic Watch Party tonight on Discord!! We will chat and watch both the #DeveloperDirect and the #ESOGlobalReveal! There will be lots of fun and giveaways for all! 🎉
#esoglobalreveal #developerdirect
Calling all Nordics to join our Watch Party next next Wednesday! 🥳🥳🥳
RT @Bethesda_Nordic
Join our Nordic Watch Party on the 25th of January! We will hang out on Discord, chat and watch both the #DeveloperDirect and the #ESOGlobalReveal!
Lots of fun and giveaways for all!
#esoglobalreveal #developerdirect