This week the Epsilon Three are “Racing Mars”… egg n spoon race, three legged or 100m 🤷♂️ we aren’t sure.
This episode is a Franklin heavy story that we didn’t find annoying 😱.
Whoo Hooo! #babylon5 #podcast #esonetwork #theepsilonthreepodcast
#babylon5 #podcast #esonetwork #theepsilonthreepodcast
Flopcast 571 celebrates Conan O'Brien's birthday and unveils the source of this weird meme. #nerd #geek #podcast #esonetwork
#nerd #geek #Podcast #esonetwork
Flopcast 570: Our strange obsession with teen magazines of the 80s continues as we take a look at "Maniac"! #nerd #geek #podcast #esonetwork
#nerd #geek #Podcast #esonetwork
In Flopcast 569, Kevin runs through Salem, and we spotlight another forgotten sitcom of the 80s (featuring Magic Johnson as himself!?) #podcast #nerd #geek #eighties #esonetwork
#Podcast #nerd #geek #eighties #esonetwork
Flopcast 568 has gone to the dogs. It's a Top 4 1/2 List of Dogs...from the 80s, of course! #podcast #nerd #geek #esonetwork
#Podcast #nerd #geek #esonetwork
Flopcast 567 topics include shoes with pockets, weddings on roller skates, and the longest baseball game in history. It's all in the pages of Winner magazine! #nerd #geek #podcast #ESONetwork
#nerd #geek #Podcast #esonetwork
In Flopcast 565, Kevin shares his thoughts on Bill Mumy's new memoir Danger Will Robinson: The Full Mumy. #scifi #sciencefiction #tv #nerd #geek #comedymusic #ESOnetwork
#scifi #sciencefiction #tv #nerd #geek #comedymusic #esonetwork
This week's Flopcast adds a new reference guide to our 80s pop culture library. Did you know Eric Idle starred as a ghost in a short-lived 1989 sitcom? #esonetwork #podcast #nerd #geek
#esonetwork #Podcast #nerd #geek
We finally got around to finishing the "Weird Al" game this week. Kevin and Kornflake try to improve on their performance in the first round. #podcast #esonetwork #nerd #geek #comedy #music
#Podcast #esonetwork #nerd #geek #comedy #music
Flopcast 562! Our friend and fellow podcaster Mike Faber visits Chickentown to count down his Top 4 1/2 concert experiences. #nerd #geek #podcast #esonetwork #music
#nerd #geek #Podcast #esonetwork #music
Part 2 of the "Weird Al" game will have to wait, because the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nominees were announced, and it's our contractual duty to rant about them! #podcast #nerd #geek #music #esonetwork
#Podcast #nerd #geek #music #esonetwork
We have a double dose of "Weird Al" content for you this week! On Flopcast 560, Kevin and Kornflake share their favorite tracks from his first 7 game form! #nerd #geek #podcast #comedy #weirdal #esonetwork
#nerd #geek #Podcast #comedy #weirdal #esonetwork
Kevin was also a guest on Earth Station One episode 666. Can you guess the topic? #esonetwork #podcast
It's a short episode this week, but it features an epic "Chickens in the News"! #esonetwork #nerd #geek #podcast
#esonetwork #nerd #geek #Podcast
This week, we conclude our annual memorial show. The Flopcast returns to pure silliness next week, we promise you. #esonetwork #podcast #nerd #geek #memorial
#esonetwork #Podcast #nerd #geek #memorial
I joined Kevin and Kornflake for the first half of our annual memorial show, in which we pay tribute to significant people in pop culture who left us during the previous year. #esonetwork #podcast #nerd #geek #memorial
#Podcast #esonetwork #nerd #geek #memorial
Hey #StarTrek peeps.
#TemporalTrek is a podcast where I & co-host Dan @academictrek (w/occasional guests) watch ALL of Star Trek in complete chronological order by scene. We’ve already watched everything from #Voyager in the #BigBang to S2 #Enterprise 2153. Come join us.
#NexusNights is our spin off for more general #geek chat about Trek.
I’m also co-host for the #cosmicpizzapodcast and #theepsilon3 a #Babylon5 rewatch show on #ESOnetwork.
#startrek #temporaltrek #voyager #bigbang #enterprise #nexusnights #geek #cosmicpizzapodcast #theepsilon3 #babylon5 #esonetwork