Hi! Tres Mancias. I Ching, Tarot & Astrology Consultancy is now on l to keep on sharing activities, curiosities and interests.

As usual, all of the comments and questions will be considered for upcoming articles and offers. Join this feed and you'll always be updated with the latest news, posts, surveys, and notices about raffles and other benefits.

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#Astrology #tarot #iching #esoterism #fortunetelling #tresmancias #MstdnSocial

Last updated 1 year ago

Manuel D'Orso · @cirku17
93 followers · 1151 posts · Server puntarella.party

To whom it may concern:
Plutonics Journal VOLUME XV

#zine #weird #esoterism

Last updated 2 years ago

Adam Denoon · @adamdenoon
11 followers · 25 posts · Server universeodon.com

You can live in a place of sorrow over what reality doesn't do.

You can live in a place of curiosity over what reality does do.

It might just be that living in the latter will actually change what happens.

#life #philosophy #esoterism

Last updated 2 years ago

Adam Denoon · @adamdenoon
10 followers · 24 posts · Server universeodon.com

Yes, you're a determined effect of past causes.

But you're also the cause of a determined future.

Knowing this is how you're driven to change it.

You are the creation of the past, and the creator of the future.

#life #philosophy #esoterism

Last updated 2 years ago

Adam Denoon · @adamdenoon
10 followers · 23 posts · Server universeodon.com

Everything that happens can and must happen.

If you want to change what happens,

change what can and must happen.

#life #philosophy #esoterism

Last updated 2 years ago

Bazar Bizarre : recherche de décors 🔮✨️🧿🕯

#art #illustration #esoterism

Last updated 2 years ago

Bazar Bizarre : recherche de décors et de personnage 🔮✨️🧿🕯

#art #illustration #esoterism

Last updated 2 years ago

maxi #NoEdits #TootNotPublish · @maxi
124 followers · 2042 posts · Server todon.eu

When I was in , I hurt my finger. It was not bad; it only left a little hematoma below the fingernail. At the time, a group of hippies was also visiting Lützi for a meditation workshop. One of these hippies seriously recommended me taking sugar pills. I said no, I don't believe in but they were like it works weather you believe or not. So I (jokingly) said that some nail polish would help, and they took my advice seriously! Now, more than three month afterwards, the spot grew out, but I finally understand why the hippy took my advice for granted: If you consider the homeopathic principle of "like cures like", it of course makes sense that a bit of paint would 'cure' a dark spot ...

#lützerath #homeopathy #esoterism

Last updated 2 years ago

TiiiDAN · @TiiiDAN
48 followers · 39 posts · Server ravenation.club

@LauraKT Hi, I’m Tidan. Straddling the liminal space between overwhelm and Espresso fueled focus while producing and . Silly stoic meets LezBro meets optimist keeping myself distracted with

#housemusic #industrialrock #urbanfantasy #horrorfilms #meditation #fitness #90stechno #lgbt #esoterism #nin #podcasts #musicconferences #biographies #songwriting

Last updated 2 years ago

Jenn Alarza · @jennalarza
66 followers · 67 posts · Server mastodon.art

As I missed it yesterday and today seems to still be going so... here is my

I am a traditionally trained artist who loves and creating realistic art dolls while drinking tea or hot chocolate (trying to avoid the paint water).

I am synesthetic and HSP.

Interested in
and many other things I can't remember now. I would love to connect with other artists!

#nature #oilpainting #sewing #museums #esoterism #ancientcultures #SciFi #space #archaeology #art #cats #introduction #followbackfriday

Last updated 2 years ago

Robo · @neurob
223 followers · 4103 posts · Server livellosegreto.it

I bei tempi quando disegnavo LaVey e Crowley

#satanism #esoterism #thelema #churchofsatan

Last updated 2 years ago

Denis Salem · @denissalem
95 followers · 727 posts · Server mamot.fr
maxi #NoEdits #TootNotPublish · @maxi
124 followers · 2043 posts · Server todon.eu

@frechdachs Yes, there always have been people selling snake oil, especially in Germany, the nation of and .

In Germany, there are special "doctors" who are "specialised" in ( in German) and other cringe "medicine". And they are quite popular; some people drive large distances just to visit them.

Homeopathy is even sponsored by taxes and the public health insurance system. You can barely find a public health insurance company that doesn't provide esoteric stuff, which is usually marketed as "benefits".

Also, many "" farmers perform a kind esoterism called . They usually follow the racist clairvoyant . , which is the trademark for all this nonsense, is still quite popular among organic food consumers. Steiner even created his own school system, . Yes, people literally send their children to schools where it is taught that science is just yet another believe system.

#esoterism #homeopathy #homöopathie #organic #anthroposophie #rudolfsteiner #demeter #Waldorf

Last updated 3 years ago

FOKUZA 📸 · @fokuza
46 followers · 628 posts · Server sociala.me

Photo du jour (ou de la nuit) avec un thème ésotérique ❗ 📸🖼
Modèles: (Aidez-nous à retrouver les modèles s'il vous plaît !)

#esoterism #magic #magick #witchcraft #paganism #pagan #witch #wicca #wiccan #goth #gothic #alternativefashion #photo #selection #gallery #instaday #dailyfokuza2021

Last updated 3 years ago