Terry B · @stochasticpath
2 followers · 6 posts · Server dice.camp

Day 3 catchup: First game bought (this year) - "Liminal" by @TheTweedmeister. On the very-back-burner for years I'd had ideas for a game of British police team investigating the occult/magical (after Paul Cornell's "London Falling" and Ben Aaronovitch's "Rivers of London") likely using the system ( game by @robindlaws) - and beautiful looks tempting for material. (Guess the licensed RPG should get a look too now it's published!)

#rpgaday2023 #esoterrorists #gumshoe #liminalrpg #riversoflondon

Last updated 1 year ago

davej · @davej
187 followers · 1658 posts · Server dice.camp
Robin D. Laws · @robindlaws
2188 followers · 66 posts · Server dice.camp
Ozzy · @karohemd
113 followers · 605 posts · Server dice.camp

Looks like Elmo pulled some wires again over on the bird site so here's a short shoutout to trebormills for running (I got in on the last minute because several people had dropped out).
It started with a grisly multiple murder of students of witchcraft and weird shit in the USA. During the main investigation phase we found our target location: a stone circle in West Wales where the final showdown with heavy weapons (a flamethrower and RPG, gotto love big Preparedness spends).


Last updated 2 years ago

Glupinickname 🤓 · @Glupinickname
92 followers · 656 posts · Server dice.camp

Last 5 I ran:

1. Trail of Cthulhu
2. Old School Essentials
3. Lady Blackbird
4. Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition)
5. Ashen Stars

5 ttrpgs I'd like to run?

1. Medieval horror - either or
2. Pulp adventure - , or
3. Sword and Sorcery - , ?
4. Thieves and conmen in a steampunk city -
5. A horror game inspired by urban legends and 1980s horror - ? ?

#ttrpgs #cthulhu #ose #DnD #gumshoe #WFRP #ravenloft #fate #savageworlds #acthungcthulhu #pathfinder #bladesinthedark #esoterrorists #KidsOnBikes

Last updated 2 years ago