So far so good. I actually found something in the shop and so the first aproach gets a USB power supply using #LM2596
I drilled some holes into the box but my problem with at least 2 dregree too much, remains unfortunately.
I think this is okay for the moment. Still impressed by how easy this was using one #esp01 with #dth11 module, a programming adapter, a resistor and #AdruinoIDE for flashing it. Of course this is not my own achievement since I relied on the beloved internet hive mind, doing it.
And, again, I see that #python and #javascript can be sure used and are powerful but its so strange to me that I later will defently ask my self how the hell I implemented that.
#esp01 #dth11 #AdruinoIDE #python #javascript #esp8622 #smarthome #raspberrypi
It was surprisingly fast done to get this little fella #esp01 talking to my #raspberry. Now two of them are up and send #json encoded humidity and temperature.
And I am stucking since hours at this #python stuff getting it right into #mysql database. Better not to start a war, but I really dont like python.
So much code, so small knowlegde...
#esp01 #raspberry #json #python #mysql
Short follow-up: one or two days ago, the battery seems to have been drained enough to stop it from working. It's voltage measured about 2.3V, so still high enough to not damage the battery. I think 5 months for one charge is a very good time.
#rechargable #battery #batterylife #esp8266 #esp01 #smarthome #homeassistant
#rechargable #battery #batterylife #esp8266 #esp01 #smarthome #homeassistant
created some #documentation and published the source code and layout files:
#electronics #esp8266 #esp01 #smarthome #mqtt #kicad #arduino
#arduino #kicad #mqtt #smarthome #esp01 #esp8266 #electronics #documentation
Today's work: an ESP-01S on a soldered perfboard that will notify me when something is thrown into my mail box.
Powered by a single LiFePO4 battery.
The ESP lies in deep sleep until one of the two Reed switches is triggered. Message is sent through MQTT to my home assistant.
#soldering #electronics #esp8266 #esp01 #smarthome #mqtt #homeassistant
#homeassistant #mqtt #smarthome #esp01 #esp8266 #electronics #soldering
The winter project continues... Custom #raspberrypi LED board arrived so I have Node Red displaying various bits and I've made an #arduino programmer for the #ESP01 as my #Chromebook didn't recognise the USB programmer for some reason.
#raspberrypi #arduino #esp01 #chromebook
On holiday but up early to tinker with my winter project, a handful of #WemosD1 and #ESP01 sending sensor readings to a #RaspberryPI running MQTT and Node Red.
Finalized the hardware, added some re-connect functionality to the software and pushed to production! 🤩 #irblaster #maker #esp8266 #esp01 #arduino #television #IoT
#irblaster #maker #esp8266 #esp01 #arduino #television #iot
After some tests and clicks I did it! My #relay module with old #ESP01, previously created and intended to use with #Blynk (the old version, supported till the end of 2022), today with #Tasmota 9.2 on board, works exactly as I designed it, with link-LED and NO relay in reverse logic on GPIO0 and GPIO2. Without destruction of PCB etc.
Some kind of success :D
#relay #esp01 #blynk #tasmota #iot #esp8266
Any #maker with recommendations to get started with #3dprinting ? I may get access to a #prusa and want to make stuff for #esp01 and #raspberripi :raspberrypi:
#raspberripi #maker #3dprinting #prusa #esp01