Some new parts arrived, probably hard to see in the picture, but I got a 5v to 3v level shifter for the #sparkfun #qwiic connector, a few qwiic connector cables (various types, but mostly qwiic to grove. or qwiic to dupont). This was all so the person sensor and the #M5Stack stuff could place nice together. I also picked up a M5Stack Univ V M12 #camera w/fish eye lens, a couple #Lilygo T-OI Plus boards (#ESP32 C3), a Lillygo T-Display S3 board.
#tdisplay #k210 #ai #unitv #esp32c3 #esp32s3 #esp32 #lilygo #camera #m5stack #qwiic #sparkfun
Run Linux By Emulating RISC-V On a RISC-V Microcontroller #Microcontrollers #LinuxHacks #emulation #esp32c3 #RISC-V #linux
#Microcontrollers #LinuxHacks #emulation #esp32c3 #risc #linux
Run Linux By Emulating RISC-V On a RISC-V Microcontroller - For years it was a given that it was impossible to run a Linux based operating sys... - #microcontrollers #linuxhacks #emulation #esp32c3 #risc-v #linux
#linux #risc #esp32c3 #emulation #linuxhacks #microcontrollers
I am now in possession of 3 new boards with 3 different kinds of tiny #riscv processors needing to be added to @TinyGo #seeedstudio #espressif #esp32c3 #sipeed #bouffalo #bl702 #ch32v003
#ch32v003 #bl702 #bouffalo #sipeed #esp32c3 #espressif #seeedstudio #riscv
Playing with #Rust embedded and #neopixel arrays on a #esp32c3 (risc-v layered with esp-idf framework)
Low-Power Wi-Fi Includes e-Paper Display #Microcontrollers #microcontroller #bluetooth #lowpower #battery #e-paper #esp32c3 #sensor #e-ink #ESP32 #wifi
#Microcontrollers #microcontroller #bluetooth #lowpower #battery #e #esp32c3 #sensor #ESP32 #wifi
Low-Power Wi-Fi Includes e-Paper Display - Designing devices that can operate in remote environments on battery power is ofte... - #microcontrollers #microcontroller #bluetooth #lowpower #battery #e-paper #esp32c3 #sensor #e-ink #esp32 #wifi
#wifi #esp32 #sensor #esp32c3 #e #battery #lowpower #bluetooth #microcontroller #microcontrollers
Polecam #micropython wszystkim którzy lubią tworzyć hobbystycznie projekty #diy z #microcontroller a nie najlepiej im idzie z językami niskiego poziomu (jak mi) i nie są specami od elektroniki.
Potrzebowałem taniego modułu z #ble, kupiłem z przypadku #esp32c3 (też fajny) i w ciągu kilku godzin zbudowałem prototyp. Gdzie wcześniej długo męczyłem się z próbą napisania całego kodu bazując na tutkach espressif.
#esp32c3 #ble #microcontroller #diy #micropython
So my easily startled daughter wants to know when someone has entered her room & is standing behind her when she is wearing ANC headphones.
So of course the best option is not to get a small blindspot mirror so she can see movement or who it is.
It's so much better if I take a tiny USB-C ESP32-C3 board with an OLED, hooked up via I2C to a TOF (Time Of Flight) sensor that looks over her shoulder, it'll display that someone is present & how far away they are 😉
Having failed at getting #Micropython to control #GalacticUnicorn and failed to get it to work reliably on an #ESP32C3, today I have failed to get it working on a WEMOS D1 #ESP8266 - mpremote just hangs when I try to connect to it :(
#micropython #galacticunicorn #esp32c3 #esp8266
Finally, my #esp32c3 board arrived. Woo. I would love to take that embedded rust course by ferrous system, but the thing called timezone block me.
#AcheivementUnlocked The #micropython Gods have given me the power to install libraries and upload programs to a #microcontroller ( #ESP32C3 with 5x5 RGB LEDs in this case) 😃
#acheivementunlocked #micropython #microcontroller #esp32c3
@ryancoordinator yep I reckon it’s time. I’m hacking on an #ESP32C3 board, and eyeing off a mangoPi board to be a cyberdeck, to make hacking portable. #RISCV #ESP32
Today is starting well 😎
#esp32c3 #rust #microcontrollers
#esp32c3 #rust #microcontrollers
Opin sitten kantapään kautta että #esp32 2MB flash muistilla on melko ahdas. Jälkiviisaana listauksesta löytää datan mutta vasta kun tietää mitä etsii. Seuraava yritys tammikuussa. Mutta tuo #esp32c3 uudempi #BLE radio teki sen mitä pitikin vs vanhat versiot, ei vaan mahdu sekä Bluetooth kirjasto että datan lähetys yhtäaikaa kyytiin ainakaan #esphome alla. Jälleen yksi #kaninkolo.
#kaninkolo #esphome #ble #esp32c3 #esp32
Opin sitten kantapään kautta että #esp32 2MB flash muistilla on melko ahdas. Jälkiviisaana listauksesta löytää datan mutta vasta kun tietää mitä etsii. Seuraava yritys tammikuussa. Mutta tuo #esp32c3 uudempi #BLE radio teki sen mitä pitikin vs vanhat versiot, ei vaan mahdu sekä Bluetooth kirjasto että datan lähetys yhtäaikaa kyytiin ainakaan #esphome alla. Jälleen yksi #kaninkolo.
#kaninkolo #esphome #ble #esp32c3 #esp32
Essais de la #PybStick #ESP32C3 de Garatronic : Serveur web microPython sur l'ESP avec un #BME680 pour lire les données (T,H,P, G Les données sont affichées toutes les 5 sec. sur une page web La #LED clignote en bleu lors de la lecture. Au démarrage LED Rouge tant que la connexion avec la box n'est pas établie
#PybStick #esp32c3 #bme680 #led