Destroyed one of the sensor modules in the night by dead-soldering. Then tried to connect #DHT11 directly but failed miserably. The connection to a #ds18b20 was also not possible, so I went to bed in the morning.
Now, after some sleeping I realize, that I simply connected the pull-up wrong. I gave GPIO2 3,3V instead of the pulled up signal.
Now hoping that the sensor or the #ESP8266 forgives me and everything runs later.
So far so good. I actually found something in the shop and so the first aproach gets a USB power supply using #LM2596
I drilled some holes into the box but my problem with at least 2 dregree too much, remains unfortunately.
Short follow-up: one or two days ago, the battery seems to have been drained enough to stop it from working. It's voltage measured about 2.3V, so still high enough to not damage the battery. I think 5 months for one charge is a very good time.
#rechargable #battery #batterylife #esp8266 #esp01 #smarthome #homeassistant
#rechargable #battery #batterylife #esp8266 #esp01 #smarthome #homeassistant
Bare PCB Makes A Decent Homemade Smart Watch - These days, we live in a post-Dick Tracy world, where you can make a phone call wi... - #wearablehacks #smartwatch #smartwatch #esp-12e #esp8266 #watch #wifi
#wifi #watch #esp8266 #esp #smartwatch #wearablehacks
So, der #Sicherungskasten kann wieder geschlossen werden.
Die Fotodiode-#esp8266-Schaltung, um die Wattstunden-Pulse vom Zähler zu protokollieren, ist jetzt NICHT MEHR
- reingelegtes Steckbrett mit
- Strom mit eingequetschtem Kabel aus dem Nachbarraum,
- gelötet und
- in Modul auf Hutschiene mit
- Strom aus einer Schaltung im Nachbarmodul
(wie es von Anfang an¹ geplant war).
¹gerade mal etwas über drei Jahre her
Andreas Spiess reruns a video from 5 years ago in which he destroys or damages several components in an attempt to build some random project he found on Instructables and then connect it to electronics it was never originally designed to be connected to. It is a favourite video that I refer people to whenever they try using a microcontroller, Raspberry Pi, etc to switch inductive loads
#microcontroller #esp8266 #CoilGun #electronics
La evolución del proyectito de control eléctrico a través de wifi con #esp8266 corriendo un servidor http.
#Arduino #webserver not #iot
#esp8266 #arduino #webserver #iot
@salkinium What a nice and so much interesting talk. I guess the ExpressIf guys have to use same techniques to debug their #esp32 / #esp8266 IDFs?
To be honest I still struggle if PX4 is the hardware or software part, or both 😩 Is confusing if you are not familar with Ardupilot and industrial drones :blobcat_winking:
Der #Prototyp #Wasserzähler hat jetzt auch einen #ESP8266 – und gerade kamen die ersten Pulse von der #Klospülung an!
Demnächst mal die Achse kalibrieren¹; also den Faktor: Wie viele Milliliter sind in einem „Klick“?
¹Eichen darf ja nur das #Eichamt :)
#eichamt #klospulung #esp8266 #wasserzahler #prototyp
Prototyp, um den #Wasserzähler mitzuzählen.
Fließt Wasser durch die Uhr, dreht sich ein kleines schwarzes Zahnrad. Das analoge Signal einer #Lichtschranke wird dadurch moduliert, ein #SchmittTrigger erzeugt daraus eine Reihe von sauberen Pulsen.
Diese werden dann später (morgen?) von einem #ESP8266 gezählt.
#esp8266 #schmitttrigger #lichtschranke #wasserzahler
How to make an automatic sprinkler with ESP8266 controlled by Arduino Cloud
#arduinocloud, #atmosphericpressure, #atmosphericpressuresensor, #BH1750, #BMP180, #breadboard, #cloud, #datalogger, #DHT22, #Dupontcables, #esp8266, #humidity, #internetofthings, #iot, #KiCad, #library, #lightintensity, #lightintensitysensor, #platformio, #resistor, #scheduler, #sensor, #sensors, #temperature, #tutorial, #wifi
#arduinocloud #atmosphericpressure #atmosphericpressuresensor #bh1750 #BMP180 #breadboard #cloud #datalogger #dht22 #dupontcables #esp8266 #humidity #internetofthings #iot #kicad #library #lightintensity #lightintensitysensor #platformio #resistor #scheduler #sensor #sensors #temperature #tutorial #wifi
Come creare un sistema di irrigazione automatica con ESP8266 controllato da Arduino Cloud
#arduinocloud, #BH1750, #BMP180, #breadboard, #caviDupont, #cloud, #datalogger, #DHT22, #digitale, #elettronicadigitale, #esp8266, #intensitàdiluce, #internetdellecose, #iot, #KiCad, #libreria, #NodeMCU, #platformio, #pressioneatmosferica, #resistenza, #scheduler, #sensore, #sensorediintensitàdiluce, #sensoredipressioneatmosferica, #sensori, #temperatura, #tutorial, #umidità, #wifi
#arduinocloud #bh1750 #BMP180 #breadboard #cavidupont #cloud #datalogger #dht22 #digitale #elettronicadigitale #esp8266 #intensitadiluce #InternetdelleCose #iot #kicad #libreria #nodemcu #platformio #pressioneatmosferica #resistenza #scheduler #sensore #sensorediintensitadiluce #sensoredipressioneatmosferica #sensori #temperatura #tutorial #umidita #wifi
"#ESP8266 can act as a perfect self contained loader for your #PS5 Exploit, with no need for an internet connection"
Come usare lo scheduler di Arduino Cloud con una ESP8266 su PlatformIO
#arduinocloud, #breadboard, #caviDupont, #cloud, #digitale, #diodoLED, #elettronicadigitale, #esp8266, #intensitàdiluce, #internetdellecose, #iot, #led, #LEDrosso, #libreria, #NodeMCU, #platformio, #PWM, #resistenza, #tutorial
#arduinocloud #breadboard #cavidupont #cloud #digitale #diodoled #elettronicadigitale #esp8266 #intensitadiluce #InternetdelleCose #iot #led #ledrosso #libreria #nodemcu #platformio #pwm #resistenza #tutorial
Das Display mag ich irgendwie 😍
#esp8266 #arduino #diy #smarthome
#esp8266 #arduino #diy #smarthome
I was really about to give up on a #ESP8266 controller that was flashed with #esphome.
I had constant connectivity issues (e.g. updates or just random disconnects).
But then it hit me. It's right in the middle between my wifi mesh routers.
Setting the bssid in the esphome config solved that problem.
Whilst failing to find a micro SD car reader I did find a little bag of what I thought were #bme280 sensors that read temperature, humidity, and pressure.
Apparently I'd failed to get these working before as a couple has wires soldered on.
So I solder it together with an #esp8266 and install #espHome and it fails to recognise the sensor saying it has the wrong ID. Turns out they are #bmp280 which do temperature and pressure only.
Less useful but now I have another temperature sensor!
#bmp280 #esphome #esp8266 #bme280
@makegeneve Can you recommend a hardware debugger because I work on a bigger #esp32 and #esp8266 project with a couple of classes and logging everything with a mqtt topic is pretty time consuming.