A day about Especifismo
On the 26th of february, starting at 13.00, Nattsvart Verkstad invites you all to a day full of talks and conversations on the ideas of Especifismo. Now, you might wonder what especifismo is:
Throughout the history of anarchism, we have struggled with the tension between making a full prefigurative revolution and fightin
#General #anarchism #especifismo #lecture #Nattsvart #stockholm
#general #anarchism #especifismo #lecture #nattsvart #stockholm
RT @patadeperro@twitter.com
đŽ Join the #MilitantKindergarten 2023, the seminar on #anarchist theory, strategy and militancy
hosted by the Center for #Especifismo Studies, based on the text "Social #Anarchism and Organisation" by the #FARJ @anarquismorj@twitter.com: https://especifismostudies.org/militant-kindergarten/ #Anarquismo #Anarchy đ
đŠđ: https://twitter.com/patadeperro/status/1600567675905875968
#militantkindergarten #Anarchist #especifismo #anarchism #FARJ #anarquismo #anarchy
Our Friendly Critique of Bookchin's Politics has now been posted to our substack!!! Check it out if you want to see where we agree and disagree with Bookchin and more importantly how to potentially upgrade overall social ecological, communalist, and libertarian socialist praxis!!!
"Even though this essay has been rooted in a critical appraisal of Bookchinâs politics, this essay has also been aiming to do something more: that is to sketch out how to potentially upgrade social ecological praxis through a critical appraisal of Bookchinâs politics. Social ecology and communalism should be retained because their most essential and salient features hold true. And yet, social ecology and communalism can be made more coherent. Bookchinâs written and spoken philosophy is a closed book of sorts, but social ecology and communalism are living praxes that are internally differentiated and incomplete. First and foremost, the primary way that both social ecology and communalism can be made more coherent is through retaining their most essential features as part of praxis as they develop (including horizontality, direct democracy, mutual aid, direct action, communal self-governance, confederalism, oppositional politics, reconstructive politics, and an understanding of ecological problems as having their roots in social problems of hierarchy, etc.). Such a politics would keep a communalist core through the development of communal assemblies and confederations thereof as mass organizations for functions of mutual aid and direct action towards dual power and revolution. Such communal assemblies and federations thereof would be both counterpowers to capitalism and the state and help meet needs of people in self-managed waysâ while prefiguring the new world based on self-management on every scale in the shell of the old. Aside from retaining their most essential features, social ecology and communalism can be made more coherent by subtracting Bookchinâs electoral approach to politics. Additionally, social ecology and communalism can use a reintegration of syndicalism as part of a revolutionary social movement ecosystem in such a way where syndicalism is viewed as a means (not as an end or as THE means)â and one of multiple means to be strategically emphasized more or less depending on conditions. Such a reintegration of syndicalism into overall social ecological praxis does not and should not overly reduce modes of oppositional politics to syndicalism (or otherwise underemphasize communalist means and ends). A fleshed out strategy involving relations of ideologically specific groups to social movements and popular organizations can further communalist goals. And communalism can further the goals of ideologically specific libertarian communist groups through creation of and social insertion within communal assemblies as direct action and mutual aid organs (in such a way that still retains an âorganizational pluralismâ of sorts via social insertion in community, union, student spheres and beyond). Such a sublation of libertarian communism, communalism, syndicalism, and ways ideologically specific libertarian communist groups can interface with mass movements can potentially move social ecological praxis forward. "
#anarchism #socialism #communism #communalism #commons #syndicalism #organization #electoralism #platformism #especifismo
#anarchism #socialism #communism #Communalism #commons #Syndicalism #organization #electoralism #platformism #especifismo
Organização #Anarquista Socialismo Libertårio (OASL de #SaoPaulo), a Federação Anarquista do #RiodeJaneiro (FARJ), a Rusga #Libertaria (RL de #MatoGrosso) e o Coletivo Mineiro Popular Anarquista (COMPA de #MinasGerais) ont décidé de quitter la Coordination Anarchiste du #Bresil
#especifismo #anarquismo #SocialismoLibertĂĄrio #anarquismoespecifista
#anarquismoespecifista #socialismolibertario #anarquismo #especifismo #bresil #minasgerais #matogrosso #libertaria #riodejaneiro #saopaulo #anarquista
FARJ and several other local anarchist groups have just left CAB (the nationwide Brazilian anarchist coordinating group): https://www.anarkismo.net/article/32699
Here's a rough translation via Google: https://www-anarkismo-net.translate.goog/article/32699?_x_tr_sl=pt&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp
They're pretty vague on the reasons for departure, but they and the other local groups are aiming to form a new nationwide anarchist organization. Judging by CAB's website, these groups leaving means CAB goes from 12 member groups to 8.
#especifismo #anarchism #anarquismo
đŽ Join the #MilitantKindergarten 2023, the seminar on #anarchist theory, strategy and militancy hosted by the Center for #Especifismo Studies, based on the text "Social #Anarchism and Organisation"/"#Anarquismo Social e Organização" by the Anarchist Federation of Rio de Janeiro/Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro #FARJ: https://especifismostudies.org/militant-kindergarten/ #Anarchy đ
#militantkindergarten #Anarchist #especifismo #anarchism #anarquismo #FARJ #anarchy
đŽ Join the #MilitantKindergarten 2023, the seminar on #anarchist theory, strategy and militancy hosted by the Center for #Especifismo Studies, based on the text "Social #Anarchism and Organisation"/"#Anarquismo Social e Organização" by the Anarchist Federation of Rio de Janeiro/Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro #FARJ: https://especifismostudies.org/militant-kindergarten/ #Anarchy đ
#militantkindergarten #Anarchist #especifismo #anarchism #anarquismo #FARJ #anarchy
đŽ Join the #MilitantKindergarten 2023, the seminar on #anarchist theory, strategy and militancy
hosted by the Center for #Especifismo Studies, based on the text "Social #Anarchism and Organisation"/"#Anarquismo Social e Organização" by the Anarchist Federation of Rio de Janeiro/Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro #FARJ: https://especifismostudies.org/militant-kindergarten/ #Anarchy đ
#militantkindergarten #Anarchist #especifismo #anarchism #anarquismo #FARJ #anarchy
Communal assemblies are one such group that can do both oppositional politics and reconstructive politics in rather intensive waysâ and prefigure such communal forms of freedom, mutual aid, and common infrastructure in the process. Communal assemblies can engage in direct action including but not limited to: specific actions against landlords, bosses, capitalists, politicians, and specific institutions perpetuating specific unfreedoms/injustices, blockades, occupations, squats, expropriations, community self defense, assisting direct actions of other groups directly (through co-participating on joint actions) and indirectly (through providing communal infrastructure and mutual aid to other direct action groups). As Bookchin said in his book Post-Scarcity Anarchism, âAssembly and community must become âfighting words,â not distant panaceas. They must be created as modes of struggle against the existing society.â Such communal assemblies are organs of both direct action and mutual aid for various short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals.
Radical labor unions and workplace committees (utilizing self-management and direct action) are groups that are specifically important for oppositional politics in the workplace. Such unions and workplace committees can fight for short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals: everything from wage increases to expropriation. However, they are not the only organs for class struggle as some might claimâ as class struggle is possible outside of workplace organizing. Given libertarian goals, depending on the context one is in (and by extension a plurality of factors) syndicalist means should be more or less emphasized as part of an overall revolutionary strategy.Â
Outside of just communal assemblies and labor unions, student unions, tenant unions, and prisoner unions are other such fighting groups that are particularly suited towards their particular sites of struggle. When it comes to oppositional politics there are also issue-specific and function specific social movements and groups of various kinds (for example a movement for reproductive freedom or a medic-collective). Additionally there are affinity groups that can do various direct actions and oppositional functions (an endorsement thereof as one way of organizing a direct action group among others is not an endorsement of tendencies that overly-reduce organizing to such affinity groups or otherwise have a reckless/foolish strategy. Mere affinity groups are incapable of generating adequate social forceâ and they can suffer from disorganization and even having an anti-organizational orientation at times. Then again no form is sufficient to generating strategic content; For example, without good content, labor unions can fall into reformism and communal associations can fall into pejorative utopianism).
In order to actuate the means and ends of horizontality/direct democracy/mutual aid/direct action/co-federation/free association/etc. in the context of living in a hierarchical and class-based society, there must be self-managed oppositional politics and direct action to overthrow class relations and hierarchy more broadly. The content to fill such self-managed forms must be deliberated about and decided by various self-managed organizations and adapted to sufficiently relevant variables. Through such an adaptation and application of universal features of liberatory forms and practices and contents to specific contexts, there is an instantiation of such universal features in particular forms of struggle and forms of freedom (with a means/ends unity of self-management/horizontality/democracy/mutual aid/participatory action etc)â which can make such universals concretized in reality.Â
And yet, popular organizations and social movements are potentially susceptible to unstrategic content, bureaucratic forms, reformism (not to be confused with winning reforms through direct action and self-management), liberal cooptation, leninist co-optation, pejorative utopianism (mere reconstructive politics without oppositional politics), and unreflective actionism. Because of the above (and other reasons), it is important to develop ideologically and theoretically specific libertarian communist groups (distinct from popular organizations and social movement groups). Members of such ideologically and theoretically specific libertarian communist groups are able to create and interface with popular organizations and social movements to help such formations develop liberatory practices/processes of self-management, direct action, mutual aid, class struggle, etc. (while learning from social movements and participating in them in the process). Popular organizations and social movements are the main protagonists in struggle and revolution, but ideologically and theoretically specific groups can act as catalysts of liberatory qualities of such groups and movements through social insertion.Â
âWhat-should-be,â is anchored in a continuum that emerges from an objective potentiality, or âwhat-is⊠The âwhat-should-beâ becomes an ethical criterion for judging the truth or validity of an objective âwhat-is.â Thus ethics is not merely a matter of personal taste and values; it is factually anchored in the world itself as an objective standard of self-realization.â -Bookchin
The principle of freedom of each and all (and the means thereof) has an objective content to it. It has universal necessary features. It refers to actually possible naturalistic/societal qualities that are rooted in objective conditions of what is possible. Such a principle of freedom requires and entails a gestalt of other features to be rounded out and existent (mutual aid, direct action, direct democracy, non-hierarchy, etc.), and concrete groups, processes, practices etc. are necessary to actualize and institutionalize such freedom of each and all. Such a principle of freedom for each and all and the means thereof is not merely abstract; it corresponds to the objective content of what is actually good for humans and the ecological world more broadly (for it is precisely through hierarchy and the destruction of freedom that the ecological world more broadly along with humans are instrumentalized for power-over others and profit).Â
âWe are not open and flexible (âanti-dogmaticâ) about our principles. Those who treat principles in this way fall into a pragmatism incapable of social change or transformation. Regarding the strategy, we can say that the general strategy is more fixed, followed by the time-restricted strategy, which is a little less fixed and more flexible, and finally, by the tactics, more flexible.â -Correa
The general strategy of developing such freedom and libertarian form/content is fixed in terms of some essential featuresâ but more flexible than the principles themselves. And more flexible still are the sub-strategies within strategies, and even more flexible than such sub-strategies are the tactics within sub-strategies. The specific ways libertarian practices/forms/contents are applied and adapted to contexts (and the specific ways groups using such liberatory practices develop content and function) are more flexible than the universal features underpinning them.Â
There are multiple spheres of life to organize withinâ from community, union, student, and beyond. In different contexts, for various reasons, it makes sense for movements, groups, and persons to put more and less focus on specific spheres and specific kinds of projects and actions. In a particular communal assembly, it might make more sense to focus on a specific direct action campaign/goal/tactic compared to another, or to focus more/less or differently on reconstructive politics of some kind or another (based on needs of people and movements, capacity, willingness, what general and specific problems exist, terrain, balance of forces, existent or lack of federation with other groups or solidarity from other groups etc). In some time/space/group contexts it can, for example, make more sense for a person/group to focus more on radical union work of some kind or some other form of organization (which is not to say it is impossible for an ideologically specific group or a person to do both communal and workplace organizingâ far from it, the goal should be to build popular power in community and union spheres and beyond). Despite and because of our view that at some point such communal forms of freedom should be prefigured (within and a part of and catalyzing a broader social movement ecosystem) and that such communal associations can and should play particularly important strategic and ethical roles in a revolutionary processes and a post-revolutionary societies, they are not necessarily the first/only/main kind of group that a person or ideologically specific libertarian socialist group should start or join or put emphasis on in every context. Effective ways to organize and practice social insertion within social movements will vary from context to context.
#anarchism #anarchy #socialism #communism #communalism #commune #union #syndicalism #platformism #especifismo #especifism
#anarchism #anarchy #socialism #communism #Communalism #commune #union #Syndicalism #platformism #especifismo #especifism
Our essay Communalism and Especifismo is now on our substack!
"The two praxes combine through social insertion in relation to community assemblies: both through starting communal assemblies and helping to develop already existing community associations into ones that use a cluster of liberatory practices. Additionally such communalist social insertion means developing community assemblies within or connected to social movements to help achieve the goals of social movements when that makes sense in specific contexts."
#anarchism #socialism #communism #communalism #municipalism #assemblies #commons #especifismo #libertarianism #platformism #organization
#anarchism #socialism #communism #Communalism #municipalism #assemblies #commons #especifismo #libertarianism #platformism #organization
Probably the most significant piece of the year, Foundational Concepts of the Specific Anarchist Organisation "introduces the basic theoretical concepts that inform Anarchist-Communists and their organisational practices". #anarchism #especifismo #AnarchistCommunism https://www.redblacknotes.com/2022/07/30/foundational-concepts-of-the-specific-anarchist-organisation/
#anarchism #especifismo #anarchistcommunism
Also in April we published this interview Mya Wamsley did with Felipe CorrĂȘa #anarchism #especifismo
Also in April we publish this interview Mya Wamsley did with Felipe CorrĂȘa #anarchism #especifismo
RT @BDieplattform@twitter.com
Today we are happy to offer you a lecture on #Platformism and #Especifismo at @linie206@twitter.com. The lecture will be held by a comrade from @DPlattformRuhr@twitter.com. Otherwise, today it's @_umverteilen@twitter.com with comrades from @dp_leipzig@twitter.com.
#platformism #especifismo #b1211
RT @BDieplattform@twitter.com
Wir freuen uns euch heute einen Vortrag zu #Plattformismus und #Especifismo in der @linie206@twitter.com anbieten zu können. Den Vortrag hĂ€lt ein Genosse von @DPlattformRuhr@twitter.com. Ansonsten heiĂt es heute @_umverteilen@twitter.com mit Genoss*innen aus @dp_leipzig@twitter.com.
#Plattformismus #especifismo #b1211
Today we are happy to offer you a lecture on #Platformism and #Especifismo at @linie206@twitter.com. The lecture will be held by a comrade from @DPlattformRuhr@twitter.com. Otherwise, today it's @_umverteilen@twitter.com with comrades from @dp_leipzig@twitter.com.
#platformism #especifismo #b1211
Wir freuen uns euch heute einen Vortrag zu #Plattformismus und #Especifismo in der @linie206@twitter.com anbieten zu können. Den Vortrag hĂ€lt ein Genosse von @DPlattformRuhr@twitter.com. Ansonsten heiĂt es heute @_umverteilen@twitter.com mit Genoss*innen aus @dp_leipzig@twitter.com.
#Plattformismus #especifismo #b1211
Hey y'all! I'm Andre AKA #HydroponicTrash. I'm a hacker, a gardener, and an online weirdo who does #DIY projects and writes speculative #solarpunk fiction and nonfiction.
Been mainly on Twitter and TikTok on the same handle but decided to jump full-on into the fediverse. I write longform content at anarchosolarpunk.substack.com where I post everything from sort #solarpunk fiction, to detailed DIY articles. They range from building DIY, autonomous solar power stations, building community microgrids from renewable energy, building autonomous communication and internet systems. On top of that I talk about building food, water and shelter autonomy as well.
I don't pin myself to a particular political strategy, but I gather alot from #anarchism, #degrowth, #especifismo, #anarcho-communism, #democratic-confederalism, #ecosocialism, #utopian-socialism and #social-ecology. :anarchist_flag: :anarchy: :rojava3:
I really focus on the intersection of ecology, social change, and technology and how we can think about and actively build better futures!
Adding some hashtags to find my fellow peeps on here! #anarchy #anarchism #communitymicrogrid #socialecology #solarpunks #solarpunk #localism #degrowth #ancom
#HydroponicTrash #DIY #solarpunk #anarchism #degrowth #especifismo #anarcho #democratic #ecosocialism #utopian #social #anarchy #communitymicrogrid #socialecology #solarpunks #localism #ancom
Also for the love of all that is holy, please read theory from other tendencies. I was talking to some MLs the other day and they didn't know what #especifismo was, and basically had an understanding of #anarchism as a whole that sort of ended in maybe the 1920s? I also try to read #Marxist-Leninist thought and the thought of various other tendencies because it's important we all learn from each other, and learn what's worked and what hasn't in different contexts across history.
#especifismo #anarchism #marxist
Fediverse anarchists only:
What is your opinion about #Especifismo?
#anarchism #xp
RT @organizedanar
Especifismo: the Anarchist Practice of Building Popular Movements & Revolutionary Organization